Fela is a small, high-performant and framework-agnostic toolbelt to handle state-driven styling in JavaScript.
It is dynamic by design and renders your styles depending on your application state.
It generates atomic CSS and supports all common CSS features such as media queries, pseudo classes, keyframes and font-faces. Fela ships with a powerful plugin API adding e.g. vendor prefixing or fallback value support.
Fela can be used with React or with any other view library. It even supports React Native.
You may alternatively use npm i --save fela
- High Predictablity
- Dynamic Styling
- Scoped Atomic CSS
- Dead-Code Elimination
- Framework-Agnostic
- Huge Ecosystem
- Component-Based Styling
- Universal Rendering
- Many CSS Features
The Gist
Fela's core principle is to consider style as a function of state.
The whole API and all plugins and bindings are built on that idea.
It is reactive and auto-updates once registered to the DOM.
The following example illustrates the key parts of Fela though it only shows the very basics.
The generated CSS output would look like this:
Primitive Components
If you're using Fela, you're most likely also using React.
Using the React bindings, you get powerful APIs to create primitive components.
If you ever used styled-components, this will look very familiar.
Read: Usage with React for a full guide.