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react-wizardry is a data-driven smart wizard component for creating powerful forms with in built validations.



  • ⚡Data driven API
  • ✅In built validations
  • ?Built with Typescript
  • ?Intuitive stepper interface
  • ?Customizable Theme

? Installation

Install the package via npm or yarn

npm install react-wizardry
yarn add react-wizardry

? Getting Started

The component takes a pages collection and renders the pages in a stepper interface.The pages appear in the order they are passed in the pages collection.

The example shows a simple wizard with two pages.

      title: "Introduction",
      fields: [
          label: "Name",
          name: "name",
          type: "text",
          isRequired: true,
    title: "Contact",
    fields: [
        label: "Email",
        name: "email",
        type: "email",
        isRequired: true,

⚙️ Properties

Name Description
strict Enables validation rules for all input types in every page of the wizard. The component prevents the user from moving forward unless the errors fixed on the step.
theme Theme object for customized styling
highlightFieldsOnValidation Highlights the fields when the validation fails or succeeds
pages Collection of Page object
onFinish Callback executed on final step. The callback receives an object with the data for each page


Page object is at the core of the wizard. Page object is used to define the title, description, fields, and validation rules for a page.

Name Description Type
onChange Callback executed when any of the Form field value changes(Internal) Function
fields Fields of the Page Array
isActive Indicates whether the page is active or not Boolean
title Title of the Page String
finishMessage Custom message to be displayed on finish operation String
globalFormErrorMessage Global error message to be displayed on validation failures String
state State of the Page. can be NOT_VALIDATED, SUCCESS, FAIL, String

Every page is in the NOT_VALIDATED state by default.

Here is an examples how to define pages in the wizard. We are defining two pages with two fields.

      title: "Introduction",
      fields: [
          label: "First Name",
          name: "firstName",
          type: "text",
          isRequired: true,
          label: "Last Name",
          name: "lastName",
          type: "text",
          isRequired: true,
    title: "Contact",
    fields: [
        label: "Email",
        name: "email",
        type: "email",
        isRequired: true,
        name: "Phone number",
        label: "Phone",
        type: "phone",
        isRequired: true,

Form field

Form field represents an input field in the wizard. Form field is used to define the label, type, validation rules, and other properties.

Name Description Type
name Name of the Field string
isRequired Marks the field as required boolean
validate Enables validation for the field boolean
type Type of Field InputType
label Label for the field string
selectOptions Use this prop when type is “select” Array

Fields marked as required are automatically validated. If you set isRequired to false and validate to true, the wizard will validate and flag the errors, but the step itself will not be marked as invalid.

In the example below we are defining two fields and making them required.

      title: "Introduction",
      fields: [
          label: "First Name",
          name: "firstName",
          type: "text",
          isRequired: true,
          label: "Last Name",
          name: "lastName",
          type: "text",
          validate: true,

Here only the First Name field is required. The last name field will be validated if the user enters a value.

Form field types

Form field supports the following types:

  • text: Text input field
  • email: Email input field
  • phone: Phone input field
  • number: Number input field
  • password: Password input field
  • textarea: Textarea input field
  • select: Select input field
  • checkbox: Checkbox input field
  • radio: Radio input field
  • datetime: DateTime input field
  • file: File input field

All the above input types comes with inbuilt validation.

Accessing the wizard data

The onFinish callback receives the wizard data with each key representing a page.

For the getting started example, the onFinish callback will receive an object with the following structure:

  "introduction": {
    "firstName": "<entered name>",
    "lastName": "<entered name>",
  "contact": {
    "email": "<entered email id>";
    "phone": "<entered phone number>",

? Theme

Customize the look and feel of the Wizard through the theme object.

Name Description Data Type Default
background Background color of the wizard string #f8f8f8
fail Colour to signify failed state string #de1738
formFieldBackground Background color of the Form field string #ffffff
primary Primary colour. This color will be the predominant color string #007fff
success Colour to signify a success state string #1db954
textColor Colour of all texts string #000000
formFieldBorder Border colour of the form field string #dcdcdc
inputBackground Background color of the native input control string #e8e8e8
inputTextColor Fore color of the text inside the native input control string #000000
tabColor Colour of the tab string #f8f8f8
tabLineColor Colour of the line that runs through all the tabs string #ccc

Here is a short example of how to use the theme object.

    primary: "#007fff",
    background: "#000",
    textColor: "#fff",
    formFieldBackground: "#282828",
    formFieldBorder: "#000",
    success: "#519259",
    fail: "#cf352e",
    inputBackground: "#464646",
    inputTextColor: "#fff",
    tabLineColor: "#464646",
    tabColor: "#7d7d7d",

CodeSandbox examples

  1. Basic Wizard
  2. Complex Wizard
  3. Wizard with custom theme

⛏️ Built With

  • React – A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Typescript – TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
  • SCSS – A CSS preprocessor and compiler.
  • Webpack – Webpack is a module bundler that packs multiple modules into a single file.
  • Eslint – ESLint is a linter for JavaScript and JSX.
  • Prettier – Prettier is a tool to format code.

✍️ Authors