
React Storybook Chapters addon allows showcasing of multiple components within a story by breaking it down into smaller categories (chapters) and subcategories (sections) for more organizational goodness.

Using the addon, a story can consist of multiple chapters and a chapter consists of multiple sections. Each section can render a block of code, which typically used to showcase one component or a particular state of a component.

Chapters can be used to group related components together, or show varying states of a component. Each chapter comes with a Chapter Title, Chapter Subtitle, Chapter Info and a list of Sections. Simply omit any of them to hide them from rendering.

Each section comes with a Section Title, Section Subtitle, Section Info.

This addon was modified from react-storybook-addon-info and uses some of the component code from there.


Install the following npm module:

npm install --save-dev react-storybook-addon-chapters

Then set the addon in the place you configure storybook like this:

import React from 'react';
import { configure, setAddon } from '@storybook/react';
import chaptersAddon from 'react-storybook-addon-chapters';


configure(function () {
}, module);

To turn off the default styles add:

setDefaults({sectionOptions: {useTheme: false}});


All rendered components have a specified class. With the 'useTheme' set to false you should have no problem styling your chapters.

Then create your stories with the .addWithChapters API.

import React from 'react';
import Button from './Button';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';

storiesOf('Addon Chapters')
    'Story With Chapters',
      subtitle: <Optional story subtitle>,
      info: <Optional story info>,
      chapters: [
        // List of chapters. Refer to Configuration Format section.
          title: <Optional chapter title>,
          subtitle: <Optional chapter subtitle>,
          info: <Optional chapter info>,
          sections: [
            // List of sections.
              title: <Optional section title>,
              subtitle: <Optional section subtitle>,
              info: <Optional section info>,
              sectionFn: () => (<Button label="My Button" onClick={() => { alert('Hello World!'); }}/>),
              options: {
                showSource: true,
                allowSourceToggling: true,
                showPropTables: true,
                allowPropTablesToggling: true,

Have a look at this example stories to learn more about the addWithChapters API.

Global options

To configure default options for all chapter sections (section.options), use setDefaults in .storybook/config.js .

import React from 'react';
import { configure, setAddon } from '@storybook/react';
import chaptersAddon, { setDefaults } from 'react-storybook-addon-chapters';

// optionally override defaults
  sectionOptions: {
    showSource: true,
    allowSourceToggling: true,
    showPropTables: false,
    allowPropTablesToggling: true,

configure(function () {
}, module);

Configuration Format


Key Description Type Default
subtitle Story subtitle String -
info Additional information for the story String (markdown) -
chapters An array of Chapter objects Array -


Key Description Type Default
title Chapter title String -
subtitle Chapter subtitle String -
info Additional information for the chapter String (markdown) -
sections An array of Section objects Array


Key Description Type Default
title Section title String -
subtitle Section subtitle String -
info Additional information for the section String (markdown) -
sectionFn A function that returns a React component to be displayed Function -
options A configuration object for this section. Refer to the next few rows for the keys Object -
options.showSource Display the component's source Boolean True
options.allowSourceToggling Allow showing/hiding of the component's source Boolean True
options.showPropTables Display the component's propTypes Boolean False
options.allowPropTablesToggling Allow showing/hiding of the component's propTypes Boolean True


📒 Showcase multiple React components within a story — Read More

Latest commit to the master branch on 7-11-2023
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