React minimal pie chart

Lightweight React SVG pie charts, with versatile options and CSS animation included.


npm install react-minimal-pie-chart

If you don't use a package manager, react-minimal-pie-chart exposes also an ÙMD module ready for the browser.


Because Recharts is awesome, but when you just need a simple pie/donought chart, a few lines of code are usually enough.



Property Type Description Default
data (required) Array The source data which each element is a segment. -
cx Number The x-coordinate of center. The value is the percentage of the component width 50
cy Number The y-coordinate of center. The value is the percentage of the component height 50
ratio Number The ratio of rendered svg element 1
startAngle Number The start angle of first sector 0
lengthAngle Number The total angle taken by the chart (can be negative to make the chart clockwise!) 360
totalValue Number The total value represented by the full chart -
lineWidth Number The width of the line representing each sector. The value is the percentage of chart radio (100 === full pie) 100
radius Number The radius of the pie. The value is the percentage of the component width * 50
paddingAngle Number The angle between two sectors -
rounded Bool Round line caps of each sector false
segmentsStyle Object Style object assigned each segments -
animate Bool Animate sectors on component mount false
animationDuration Number Animation duration in ms 500
animationEasing String Animation CSS easing "ease-out"
reveal Number Turn on CSS animation and reveal just a percentage of each segment -
onClick Function Custom event handler of onClick on each sector : (event, data, dataIndex) => {} -
onMouseOver Function Custom event handler of onMouseOver on each sector : (event, data, dataIndex) => {} -
onMouseOut Function Custom event handler of onMouseOut on each sector : (event, data, dataIndex) => {} -

Each data entry can also accept an optional key property just in case items' indexes weren't enough:

{ value: 10, key: 1, color: '#E38627' }

How to

User interactions with the chart

See [demo][demo-interaction] and its [source][demo-interaction-source].

Browsers support

The main requirement of this library is an accurate rendering of SVG Stroke properties.

Not supported

  • IE ≤ 10

Partially supported

  • IE 11


How svg arc paths work?


  • Find a better paddingAngle implementation
  • Make a device/browser compatibility table
  • Background segment
