
React wrapper for SigPlot.js.

Install: npm install --save react-sigplot

What is it?

Provides a component that wraps the SigPlot library.


<SigPlot />

Property Type Default Explanation
height number 300 Height of the div wrapping SigPlot
width number 300 Width of the div wrapping SigPlot
display string inline-block CSS display type for div wrapping SigPlot
styles object undefined any other CSS Styles as JS object
options object {all: true, expand: true, autol: 100, autohide_panbars: true} SigPlot Plot options

<ArrayLayer />

Property Type Default Explanation
data array(number) undefined Array of values to plot
options object undefined SigPlot data header
layerOptions object undefined SigPlot Layer options

<PipeLayer />

Property Type Default Explanation
data array(number) undefined Array of values to plot
options object undefined SigPlot Layer options

<HrefLayer />

Property Type Default Explanation
href string '' URL or path to a bluefile or MATLAB file
onload function null Function that will get executed when file is loaded
options object undefined SigPlot Layer options

<WebsocketLayer />

Property Type Default Explanation
wsurl string '' URL to the websocket server
overrides object undefined SigPlot Layer overrides
options object undefined SigPlot Layer options



/** Default plot an array three different ways
 * 1. As a standard array
 * 2. As a pipe
 * 3. As a file/url
  <SigPlot options={{autol:1}}>
    <ArrayLayer data={this.state.rasterData}/>
    <PipeLayer options={{type: 2000, subsize: 1000}}

Example Preview

If you run

$ npm run build
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8888

and in a browser, navigate to, you
should see the following



React wrapper for SigPlot.jsRead More

Latest commit to the master branch on 1-4-2023
Download as zip