SlideRuler component for ReactJS,slider value selector base React.
Getting Started
Usage Example
Property | Type | Default | Description |
getCurrentValue | Function | get the return value | |
containerWidth | Nubmer | screen width | container width |
canvasHeight | Nubmer | 83 | container height |
heightDecimal | Nubmer | 35 | scale marks length |
heightDigit | Nubmer | 18 | division marks length |
lineWidth | Nubmer | 2 | marks width |
colorDecimal | String | #909090 | scale marks color |
colorDigit | String | #b4b4b4 | division marks color |
divide | Nubmer | 10 | division length of px |
precision | Nubmer | 1 | division value |
fontSize | Nubmer | 20 | scale fontSize |
fontColor | String | #666666 | scale fontColor |
maxValue | Nubmer | 230 | max value |
minValue | Nubmer | 100 | min value |
currentValue | Nubmer | 0 | current value |