React component for entering and validating international telephone numbers IMP: From 3.*, the styles won't be included by default. Can use require('react-telephone-input/lib/withStyles') to get the styles. Live Demo here -
react-signup-form npm install npm start – will create /build directory Go to /build directory and type python -m SimpleHTTPServer Go to localhost:8000 Will be watching LESS and JS files and compiling them into
it show how drag-and-drop can be implemented simply and flexibly in a React.js application. demo blog codepen See the Pen Rich React.js drag-and-drop example by Kent
Cordova (Phonegap) app built with ReactJS. Master/detail, search, Ratchet CSS. Sample mobile application with React and Cordova. Demo: See this blog post for details:
Created By Hamed Esmaili GitHub Card With ReactJs Run npm install Run npm start Go to localhost:3333 If Yoy Wanna Change Component Go to /statics -> For Change JS /statics/js
Fil Live coding in your browser with your favourite language. Features Currently supports Python, Ruby, Javascript, Brainfuck and happycalculator. Runs on web workers. Uses localStorage API for your
React-powered Hacker News client Live version: react-hn A React & react-router-powered implementation of Hacker News using its Firebase API. DEMO GitHub
Sentry is cross-platform crash reporting built with love Sentry Sentry is a modern error logging and aggregation platform. Sentry is a Server The Sentry package fundamentally is just a simple
Transform plain text into dynamic blogs and websites using React.js Gatsby Transform plain text into dynamic blogs and websites using the latest web technologies. A React.js static site generator. Supports Markdown,
Isomorphic500: A web application featuring photos from 500px, built on express using React and Flux with yahoo/fluxible. isomorphic500 Isomorphic500 is a small isomorphic (universal) web application featuring photos from 500px. It is
Calculator built with React (Website), Electorn (Desktop), and React Native (iOS & Android). Mobile, desktop and website Apps with the same code This project shows how the source code can be architectured to
SoundRedux In an effort to learn es6 and redux, this is SoundRedux, a simple Soundcloud client See it in action at Uses normalizr npm install npm run start visit http: