Router A React app that shows upcoming events whilst implementing react-router A React app that shows upcoming events whilst implementing react-router 19 September 2023
Nextjs An open source application built using the new router, server components and everything new in Next.js 13 An open source application built using the new router, server components and everything new in Next.js 13 24 November 2022
Router A declarative routing library that maps your routes and uses the react-router-dom library A declarative routing library that maps your routes and uses the react-router-dom library 22 November 2022
Page Transitions React library enabling users to show bubbly transitions between route changes React library enabling users to show bubbly transitions between route changes 25 October 2022
Authentication React Redux Toolkit Authentication and Authorization example with React Router React Redux Toolkit Authentication and Authorization example with React Router 20 October 2022
Router Example of a custom route transitions controller for nextJS Example of a custom route transitions controller for nextJS 15 October 2022
Navbar React Navbar Responsive SASS With Hamburger Menu Route Ready React Navbar Responsive SASS With Hamburger Menu Route Ready 07 October 2022
Electron A react-router-dom adapter for Electron apps A react-router-dom adapter for Electron apps 28 September 2022
WebSite Website built using react to check the weather of the city chosen by the user Website built using react to check the weather of the city chosen by the user 09 September 2022
Nextjs An experiment to make next.js routes usage safer An experiment to make next.js routes usage safer 19 August 2022
Router Strongly-typed way to manage URL parameters. Works with react-router Strongly-typed way to manage URL parameters. Works with react-router. Allows to strong-type parameters in routes and search. 26 July 2022
Router Easy to use permission management based on react-router v6 Easy to use permission management based on react-router v6 22 July 2022
Router React-like solid.js browser router with hassle-free nesting / dynamic routes React-like solid.js browser router with hassle-free nesting / dynamic routes 30 June 2022
Router A ReactJS template with basic routing, state management A ReactJS template with basic routing, state management 27 June 2022
Remix Ready-to-use Remix + Tailwind CSS routes and components Ready-to-use Remix + Tailwind CSS routes and components 25 June 2022
Login A Frontend Login system configured to be used on any website with ContextAPT, Router and Token A Frontend Login system configured to be used on any website with ContextAPT, Router and Token 21 June 2022
WebSite Travel Website Project Using React Hooks and React Router Travel Website Project Using React Hooks and React Router 13 June 2022
Remix Custom hook for tracking client-side navigation performance in Remix/React-Router applications Custom hook for tracking client-side navigation performance in Remix/React-Router applications 08 June 2022
Router Hash Route + History Route Additional based for React Route v6 Hash Route + History Route Additional based for React Route v6 31 May 2022
youtube A Youtube search function clone project built with React, TypeScript, React-Router A Youtube search function clone project built with React, TypeScript, React-Router 31 May 2022
Router A small router middleware for vanilla-js A small router middleware for vanilla-js. 28 May 2022
Router Sync query parameters with a MobX store and React Router Sync query parameters with a MobX store and React Router. 24 May 2022
youtube A youtube search clone built with TypeScript, TailwindCSS, React-Router-Dom, React-Infinite-Scroller A youtube search clone built with TypeScript, TailwindCSS, React-Router-Dom, React-Infinite-Scroller 06 May 2022
Router Generated file-based routes for React Location and Vite Generated file-based routes for React Location and Vite 23 April 2022
Remix Remix package to define routes using the flat-routes convention Remix package to define routes using the flat-routes convention 19 April 2022
Router Class Component utilities for React Router 6+ Class Component utilities for React Router 6+ 15 April 2022
Feedback A Rate services and Feedback App Built With React A Rate services and Feedback App Built With React 15 March 2022
Split Codegen utility to split page using react-router-dom Codegen utility to split page using react-router-dom 13 March 2022
Apps Elevator System: Simple application that controls the elevators in a building Elevator System: Simple application that controls the elevators in a building 16 February 2022
Hooks Repository to train skills in React and styling with Tailwind, themed after the major North American basketball league Repository to train skills in React and styling with Tailwind, themed after the major North American basketball league 13 February 2022
Authentication How to create a react single page application that authenticates with Auth0 and has private routes How to create a react single page application that authenticates with Auth0 and has private routes. 12 February 2022
Vite A boilerplate for Vite, React, Tailwindcss with filesystem based routing A boilerplate for Vite, React, Tailwindcss with filesystem based routing 11 February 2022
Search A fully responsive React app that allows you to search for movies from Movie Database A fully responsive React app that allows you to search for movies from Movie Database 04 February 2022
MERN Flipkart Clone using MERN Stack with proper File Structure and also follow MVC architecture Flipkart Clone using MERN Stack with proper File Structure and also follow MVC architecture 03 February 2022
Spotify A Spotify client built with Reactjs, Redux And React Router A Spotify client built with Reactjs, Redux And React Router 30 January 2022
Apps MovieBox - App to list trending movies and select your favorites App to list trending movies and select your favorites 25 January 2022
Tesla A Responsive real-like Tesla Clone created with ReactJs,React-router, Firebase for authentication, Redux for state management, AOS, Styled-components A Responsive real-like Tesla Clone created with ReactJs,React-router, Firebase for authentication, Redux for state management, AOS, Styled-components 22 January 2022
Authentication React Protected Routes with Role-Based User Authorization React Protected Routes with Role-Based User Authorization 17 January 2022
Apps SWEPT 2.0 : A web app that informs users of where summer street sweeping and winter snow restrictive parking is SWEPT 2.0 : A web app that informs users of where summer street sweeping and winter snow restrictive parking is 16 January 2022
VSCode VSCode extension to generate a router based on file based routing and nested layouts VSCode extension to generate a router based on file based routing and nested layouts 16 January 2022
Dashboard Simple dashboard with nested routes using reactjs and material-ui Simple dashboard with nested routes using reactjs and material-ui 09 January 2022
Electron Electron React Template uses React Router and Styled Components Electron React Template uses React Router and Styled Components 05 January 2022
Apps A React app allows users to generate as many random questions as they want A React app allows users to generate as many random questions as they want 04 January 2022
Router Routes For Next.js,Allows You To Define A Route Map Routes For Next.js,Allows You To Define A Route Map 01 January 2022
Login Create a Login and Registration Page with React Router Create a Login and Registration Page with React Router 01 January 2022