
AlphaZero-like solution for playing Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe in the browser.

This project is a loose adaptation of the original AlphaZero published by Deepmind. It follows key ideas behind the AlphaZero, such as generating training data from self-play or using single neural network to guide the Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) algorithm. However, the actual implementation of these ideas is different due to limitations on the available computing power, specifically:

  • AI self-play training must fit on a personal computer within a reasonable time (several weeks)
  • AI inference must run in the browser on the client-side hardware within a reasonable time (a few seconds)

You can play Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe with the AI on the official project website: https://uttt.ai.


The project overview in chronological order:


Differences from the original AlphaZero

  • Much smaller Policy-Value Network architecture designed specifically for playing Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe in the browser with only 5 million parameters (20 MB): utttpy/selfplay/policy_value_network.py.
  • Total separation of self-play data generation process from the Policy-Value Network training (offline RL).
  • More MCTS simulations per position for training (self-play data quality over quantity).
  • The initial self-play dataset was generated from pure MCTS simulations (random playouts are faster and better than random Policy-Value Network predictions).
  • Search simulations are synchronous, single-threaded and sequential.
  • Enabled data augmentation by flipping the board during Policy-Value Network training.
  • Value target for MSE loss function is defined as the root’s mean state value rather than the game outcome.
  • Masked KL divergence loss for policy head instead of Cross Entropy loss.
  • Auxiliary policy head loss for predicting action values next to action logits.


Because there is no external benchmark, a custom evaluation setup has been created to assess the overall AI performance in Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe.

Evaluation setup

Assessing the overall AI performance is done by playing tournaments between AIs. There are 3 AIs:

  1. MCTS – Monte-Carlo Tree Search with random playouts
  2. NMCTS1 – (Neural) Monte-Carlo Tree Search with Policy-Value Network guidance after training on stage1-mcts dataset
  3. NMCTS2 – (Neural) Monte-Carlo Tree Search with Policy-Value Network guidance after retraning on stage2-nmcts dataset

And 3 tournaments:

  1. NMCTS1 vs MCTS
  2. NMCTS2 vs MCTS
  3. NMCTS2 vs NMCTS1

Each AI is represented in two versions: quick and strong (to get more nuanced comparison).

AI version num simulations inference time
MCTS 1M (quick) 1,000,000 5.0s
MCTS 10M (strong) 10,000,000 51.4s
NMCTS 1k (quick) 1,000 4.4s
NMCTS 10k (strong) 10,000 17.8s

Inference times were measured on Intel i7-10700K and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti for single-threaded C++ implementations of MCTS and NMCTS (GPU is used by NMCTS to run Policy-Value Network inference).

Each tournament consist of 4 matches (all combinations of quick/strong vs quick/strong):
evaluation tournament template
Each match consist of 100 games initialized from 50 unique positions and each position is played twice (AIs swap sides for the second playthrough).

Initial evaluation positions are defined here: utttpy/selfplay/evaluation_uttt_states.py.

Evaluation results

evaluation results

Evaluation results aggregated

evaluation results aggregated


  • Training on MCTS evaluations (stage1-mcts dataset) was successfull: NMCTS1 defeats MCTS.
  • Retraining on self-play data (stage2-nmcts dataset) was successfull: NMCTS2 improves upon NMCTS1 consistently.
  • NMCTS2 beats MCTS baseline even with 4 orders of magnitude difference in the number of simulations (1k vs 10M).
  • Next stage (NMCTS3) is needed to see if and how much improvement is possible over NMCTS2.

NMCTS2 is deployed on the https://uttt.ai.


There are 2 datasets:

  • stage1-mcts: 8 mln evaluated positions generated by the Monte-Carlo Tree Search self-play and used to train the Policy-Value Network from scratch.
  • stage2-nmcts: 8 mln evaluated positions generated by the Neural Monte-Carlo Tree Search self-play and used to retrain the Policy-Value Network.

Both datasets are available for download here.

Read more about datasets here: datasets/README.md.


Training artifacts are available for download here.


This project was developed using:

  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • Python 3.8
  • 2x NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti (CUDA 11)
  • Intel i7-10700K (8 cores x 3.80GHz)
  • PyTorch >= 1.8
  • Node.js 14.18.1
  • npm 8.1.1
  • React 17.0.2
  • g++ 9.3.0


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