
A bring-your-own-styles React library, that turns Google-style codelabs into React components for easy customization.

You'll need to get the API response from the Google APIs yourself. This project does not handle authentication to the Google APIs. Check out this guide if you need help with it.


import { Codelabs } from "codelabs-react";

    source: the JSON output of the Google Docs API
    overrides: providing your own set of render functions or component overrides
  // required, response from the google docs api
  // optional, if your app needs to know about a page change
  onPageChange={({ nextPage }) => {}}
  // optional, if you want to set the initial page to show
  // optional, used for styling
    // Layout overrides
    Header: ({ title }) => React.Component,
    Content: ({ children }) => React.Component,
    SideNavigation: ({ items, setPage, currentPage, onPageChange }) =>
    Button: ({ children }) => React.Component,

    // Text overrides
    Parapgraph: ({ children }) => React.Component,
    H1: ({ children }) => React.Component,
    H2: ({ children }) => React.Component,
    H3: ({ children }) => React.Component,
    H4: ({ children }) => React.Component,
    H5: ({ children }) => React.Component,
    H6: ({ children }) => React.Component,
    Parapgraph: ({ children }) => React.Component,
    ListItem: ({ children }) => React.Component,

    // Info and warning boxes
    InfoBox: ({ children }) => React.Component,
    WarningBox: ({ children }) => React.Component,

    // Link overrides
    ButtonLink: ({ children, href }) => React.Component,
    Link: ({ children, href }) => React.Component,

    // Code containers
    // Snippet: single-line
    // Box: multi-line
    Snippet: ({ children }) => React.Component,
    CodeBox: ({ children }) => React.Component,


Currently, the following features are missing, and will be added in the future:

  • [ ] Image support
  • [ ] YouTube support
  • [ ] Per-step time estimation
  • [ ] Feedback links
