Mannco Store Navigation Extension

This project is a browser extension designed to enhance navigation on the Mannco Store website. It builds upon previously created Tampermonkey scripts, organizing them into a React-based extension using Manifest V3.

Extension dowload link: ** 🐸 TO DO 🐇 **


Help and Contribution Guidelines:

What to do?

Check out this link if you’re feeling lost but still want to lend a hand. You’ll find a list of TODOs, work in progress, and issues waiting to be tackled.


To ensure consistent formatting, please follow the example below for your requests and commits:

What you did(location): provide a summary of the changes made.


fix(public): Resolved the issue caused by your intriguing spaghetti code.

feat(src): Added a magical button that summons ads from every nook and cranny, paving our path to unimaginable riches


How to Test the Extension Locally

To test the extension locally, follow these steps:

  • Download the repository.
  • Navigate to the repository’s location using the command line (terminal).
  • Run : npm run build.
  • Open the browser’s extensions page and select “Load Extension Without Compression”
  • Choose the “build” folder from the repository.
  • Done.


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