React Split Flap Display

A React component that mimics a Split-Flap/Solari display.


npm install --save react-split-flap-display


yarn add react-split-flap-display

This package has a peer dependency on styled-components


import React, { Component } from 'react';

import SplitFlapDisplay from 'react-split-flap-display';

class Display extends Component {
  render() {
    return <SplitFlapDisplay characterSet={['1', '2', '3', '4', ':']} value="12:34" />;
React JSX


Key Type Default Description
background string '#000000' Hex or rgb() string for the display's background
borderColor string '#dddddd' Hex or rgb() string for the color of the border between characters
borderWidth string '1px' Any valid CSS width value for the width of the border between characters
characterSet Array of strings (required) null The array of characters for the display to flip through
characterWidth string '1em' Any valid CSS width value for the width of each character. Useful with non-monospaced fonts
fontSize string '1em' Any valid CSS font-size value
minLength number null Minimum # of characters in the display
padDirection string 'left' If minLength > number of characters currently displayed, append blank characters to left or right side
step number 200 Sets the speed (ms) of flips
textColor string '#dddddd' Hex or rgb() string for color of the display characters
value string (required) null The string of characters to display or flip to

For characterSet, there are three convenience constants that ship with this component (you can see how they might be used in the example):

NUMERIC: [0-9]
ALPHA: whitespace ' ' + [A-Z]
PUNCTUATION: the non-alphanumeric characters found in a Vesta Board