Jennie – Anime player

A Desktop application, for streaming and downloading your favourite anime.

🚀 Features

  • A User Friendly Interface
  • Download anime from supported websites in multiple resolutions and languages
  • Batch Download
  • Stream anime on the inbuilt player and your favourite external video player
  • Explore anime based on different filters
  • Download Manager
  • Library to view pre-downloaded episodes and active downloads
  • Recommendation System


📖 Installation

Building From Source

  • Clone the project using

    git clone


  • Make sure python 3.10 and node 18 are installed.


  1. Create and activate the virtual environment

    python -m venv ./env
  2. Install the dependencies using the requirements.txt and build_requirements.txt files.

    pip install -r ./requirements.txt
    pip install -r ./build_requirements.txt
  3. Create .env & paste the following content

  4. Install Node modules

    npm install
  5. Add ffmpeg executable to root folder or in PATH Var.

  6. run package using

    npm start
  7. Build package using

    npm run build:package:windows


Make sure to allow app to run as admin and allow incomming port forwarding on (6969, 9000).

Environment Tested on

  • Tested on Windows 8, 10 & 11.

😁 Demo

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This software has been developed just to improve users experience while streaming and downloading anime. Please support original content creators!


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