
most easy to use react table.


npm install react-flexy-table


its realy simple just import and pass to data! React flexy table will care after that

import ReactFlexyTable from "react-flexy-table"
import "react-flexy-table/dist/index.css"

const App = ()=>{

return <ReactFlexyTable data={data} />

export default App;


thats is !

if you want to make sortable add sortable prop

import ReactFlexyTable from "react-flexy-table"
import "react-flexy-table/dist/index.css"

const App = ()=>{

return <ReactFlexyTable data={data} sortable />

export default App;

if you want to limit sortable columns you can pass thats columns with nonSortCols props

import ReactFlexyTable from "react-flexy-table"
import "react-flexy-table/dist/index.css"

const App = ()=>{

return <ReactFlexyTable data={data} sortable nonSortCols={["name","surname"]} />

export default App;

if you want to make your table filterable just add filterable props

import ReactFlexyTable from "react-flexy-table"
import "react-flexy-table/dist/index.css"

const App = ()=>{

return <ReactFlexyTable data={data} filterable/>

export default App;


if you want to limit filterable columns you can pass thats columns with nonFilterCols props

import ReactFlexyTable from "react-flexy-table"
import "react-flexy-table/dist/index.css"

const App = ()=>{

return <ReactFlexyTable data={data} filterable nonFilterCols={["gender","email"]]/>
export default App;


default filter inputs doesn't works case sensitive for do that add caseSensitive props like this.

return <ReactFlexyTable data={data} filterable caseSensitive/>

if you want to add some additional columns you can use additionalCols props like that

import ReactFlexyTable from "react-flexy-table"
import "react-flexy-table/dist/index.css"
import deleteIcon from "./icons/delete-button-svgrepo-com.svg"
import editIcon from "./icons/edit-svgrepo-com.svg"

const App = ()=>{
 const additionalCols = [{
    header: "Actions",
    td: (data) => {
      return <div>
        <img src={deleteIcon} width="30" height="20" onClick={() => alert("this is delete for id " +} /> // delete icon
        <img src={editIcon} width="30" height="20" onClick={() => alert("this is edit for id " +} /> // edit icon
  return <ReactFlexyTable data={data} additionalCols={additionalCols}/>


you can change pagination text with this props

  previousText: String,
  nextText: String,
  rowsText: String,
  pageText: String,
  ofText: String,
  totalDataText: String,
  filteredDataText: String,

you can also use this callbacks for table actions

   onPageChange: Function,
  onSortedChange: Function,
  onPageSizeChange: Function,


you can simply change the colors just change this css variables

:root {
  --rft-main-color: #00b879;
  --rft-button-color: #00b879;
  --rft-even-row-color: #f3f3f3;

you can also override the rft-table class or you can pass your own table class like

 return <ReactFlexyTable data={data} className="own-table"/>


property type default description
data array [ ] data for table
pageSize Number 5 page size of the table
sortable Boolean false allows to sort data from header
filterable Boolean false open filter inputs for table
nonFilterCols array [ ] if filterable open but you dont want to filter some cols you can use this. array includes column names that you dont want to filter.
nonSortCols array [ ] if you dont want to sort some cols you can use this. array includes column name that you dont want to sort.
pageSizeOptions array [5,10,15,20] represent page size select options
onPageChange function callback for page change
onSortedChange function callback for sorted change
onPageSizeChange funtion callback for page size change
previousText String "Previous" text for previos button
ofText String "of" text for of
totalDataText String "Total data count" text for total data
filteredDataText String "Filtered data count" text for filtered data
caseSensitive Boolean false controls search input case sensitive
additionalCols Array [ ] additional cols for table
className String "" className for table


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