
A color list manager for React.



React-Color-List is available as an npm package.

// with npm
npm install react-color-list


import React, { useState } from "react"
import ColorList from "react-color-list"

function App() {
const [colors, setColors] = useState(["#bf4040","#ab3f3f","#9f3737","#8d3434","#812929"])

return <ColorList colors={colors} colorFormat="hex" onChange={(c) => setColors(c)} />



Hello Type Required? Default Description
colors array of colors required none Colors displayed by list
onChange function required none New list of colors and event that triggered change
colorFormat "hex"| "rgb" |"hsl" optional "hex" Format of colors in colors array
defaultColor string color in same format as those in colors array optional White The default color for new colors added
disableAlpha bool optional false Whether alpha slider should be visible
maxColors positive integer optional Infinity Max number of colors that can be added to list
minColors positive integer optional 0 Min number of colors that can be in the color list
onMaxColorsReached function optional none Function that is called when user has attempted to add more than max number of colors
onMinColorsReached function optional none Function that is called when user has attempted to remove more than min number of colors
shouldAnimate bool optional true If the color swatches should animate in
animationLength double optional 0.1 Seconds for each swatch to animate in
animationOffset double optional 0.05 Seconds between start of each swatch animation
loadFromLeft bool optional false If new colors should be added to left side (at index 0)
flipAddButton bool optional false If add color button should be flipped to left side
popoverProps object optional none Props supplied to MUI Popover
containerProps object optional none Props supplied to list container,
className string optional none Class name supplied to list container
swatchLabelProps object optional none Props supplied to swatch label
removeButtonProps object optional none Props supplied to MUI Button for removing
saveButtonProps object optional none Props supplied to MUI Button for saving
saveButtonProps object optional none Props supplied to MUI IconButton for adding
swatchLabelColor function optional black/white inverse Color of swatch label in any format (hex, rgb, etc)
swatchActiveBorderColor function optional inverse Color of swatch border when swatch is active in any format (hex, rgb, etc)
AddButton Element optional none Button replacement for adding color that takes prop addColor function
RemoveButton Element optional none Button replacement for removing colors that takes prop removeColor function
SaveButton Element optional none Button replacement for saving colors that takes prop saveColor function


import React, { useState } from "react"
import ColorList from "react-color-list"

function App() {
const [colors, setColors] = useState(["rgba(191,64,64,.5)","rgba(171,63,63,.6)","rgb(159,55,55)","rgb(141,52,52)","rgb(129,41,41)"])

return <ColorList colors = {colors} colorFormat = "rgb" onChange = {(c)=>setColors(c)} loadFromLeft flipAddButton maxColors = {10} minColors = {2} defaultColor="rgb(255,255,0)"/>
import React, { useState } from "react"
import ColorList from "react-color-list"

function App() {
const [colors, setColors] = useState(["#bf4040","#ab3f3f","#9f3737","#8d3434","#812929"])

return <ColorList colors={colors} colorFormat="hex" disableAlpha  maxColors={6} onMaxColorsReached={(num) = alert("Reached Max of " + num)} className="container"
onChange={(c, e) => {
({ addColor }) => {
	return <button onClick={() => addColor()}>Fancy Add Button</button>
