A color list manager for React.
React-Color-List is available as an npm package.
Hello | Type | Required? | Default | Description |
colors | array of colors | required | none | Colors displayed by list |
onChange | function | required | none | New list of colors and event that triggered change |
colorFormat | "hex" | "rgb" |"hsl" |
optional | "hex" |
Format of colors in colors array |
defaultColor | string color in same format as those in colors array | optional | White | The default color for new colors added |
disableAlpha | bool | optional | false | Whether alpha slider should be visible |
maxColors | positive integer | optional | Infinity | Max number of colors that can be added to list |
minColors | positive integer | optional | 0 | Min number of colors that can be in the color list |
onMaxColorsReached | function | optional | none | Function that is called when user has attempted to add more than max number of colors |
onMinColorsReached | function | optional | none | Function that is called when user has attempted to remove more than min number of colors |
shouldAnimate | bool | optional | true | If the color swatches should animate in |
animationLength | double | optional | 0.1 | Seconds for each swatch to animate in |
animationOffset | double | optional | 0.05 | Seconds between start of each swatch animation |
loadFromLeft | bool | optional | false | If new colors should be added to left side (at index 0) |
flipAddButton | bool | optional | false | If add color button should be flipped to left side |
popoverProps | object | optional | none | Props supplied to MUI Popover |
containerProps | object | optional | none | Props supplied to list container, |
className | string | optional | none | Class name supplied to list container |
swatchLabelProps | object | optional | none | Props supplied to swatch label |
removeButtonProps | object | optional | none | Props supplied to MUI Button for removing |
saveButtonProps | object | optional | none | Props supplied to MUI Button for saving |
saveButtonProps | object | optional | none | Props supplied to MUI IconButton for adding |
swatchLabelColor | function | optional | black/white inverse | Color of swatch label in any format (hex, rgb, etc) |
swatchActiveBorderColor | function | optional | inverse | Color of swatch border when swatch is active in any format (hex, rgb, etc) |
AddButton | Element | optional | none | Button replacement for adding color that takes prop addColor function |
RemoveButton | Element | optional | none | Button replacement for removing colors that takes prop removeColor function |
SaveButton | Element | optional | none | Button replacement for saving colors that takes prop saveColor function |