?️ NFT Marketplace

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This is a fullstack DApp NFT Marketplace built as a study project to learn more about blockchain and smart contract development. Made with NodeJS, Hardhat, Solidity, ReactJS, NextJS and Vercel.



Checkout the live demo: https://nft-marketplace-markkop.vercel.app/

Market basic actions

You can create (mint) new tokens, uploading their image and metadata on IPFS using Pinata. If you’ve created or bought an NFT, you may also sell it by setting a price and paying a listing fee. When buying an NFT, the price will be transferred to the seller and the listing fee to the NFT Marketplace owner. It’s also possible to cancel a market item, transferring it back to the owner.

Lean NFTs Visualization

There are only two pages to view market’s NFTs:

  • Market Page

Shows all NFTs that are available to be bought. This page will show NFTs even if the user doesn’t have the Metamask extension or isn’t connected to the dapp.

NFTs available NFTs available

    Created and owned NFTs

    User Experience

    If the Metamask extension is not detected on “My NFTs” page, a message with a download button will be prompted to the user.

    Download metamask message and buttons Download metamask message and buttons

    Connect wallet message and button

    Add/Change Network message and button

    A low on balance message with a faucet link

    Components update on account change

    Buying an NFT and its feedbacks

    Easy Deployment

    Frontend is automatically deployed using Vercel’s Github integration, but contracts have to be manually deployed to keep a better control on them. However, new deployed contract addresses can be updated on the frontend simply by running a script that modifies Vercel’s project environment variables and triggers a new frontend deployment.

    How to run

    • Copy .env.local.example to .env.local and fill it with environment variables
    • Run npm run node to start a local EVM blockchain testnet
    • Run npm run setup to deploy NFT and Marketplace contracts and perform some initial actions to the local blockchain
    • Run npm run dev to start frontend application
    • Make sure to use Localhost 8545 as the Metamask’s network
    • Make sure to import local Account #0 and #1 into Metamask accounts.

    How to deploy

    • Frontend is deployed automatically on main branch using Vercel’s github integration
    • Set ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY in .env.local and send it some Polygon’s Testnet Matic tokens
    • Run npm run deploy:mumbai to deploy contracts to Polygon`s Testnet (Mumbai)
    • Optional: do the same for ACCOUNT2_PRIVATE_KEY env and run npm run setup-marketplace:mumbai to setup the marketplace with existing tokens and sales.
    • Run npm run env to update Vercel’s environment variables with the new deployed contract addresses.*
    • Make sure to use Polygon Testnet Mumbai as Metamask’s network

    * You’ll need to create the envs on Vercel first

    Development Challenges

    * They’re usually caused by incorrect contract addresses and wrong default gas values


    • Refactor frontend code to accept other networks besides Mumbai
    • Lazyload for NFTs images and metadata
    • Add support for custom ERC20 tokens as payment (started on #2)


    Mumbai marketplace setup command is breaking with a ‘estimate gas failed’ error

    Try changing hardhat.config.js mumbai gas values. I’m using the ones I’ve found here: https://forum.moralis.io/t/deploy-to-polygon-matic-mumbai-fails/700

    Nouce is too high

    Reset your Metamask account transaction history. Find out more on: https://medium.com/@thelasthash/solved-nonce-too-high-error-with-metamask-and-hardhat-adc66f092cd



    View Github