// src/main.tsx
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import { ToastProvider } from '@hanseo0507/react-toast';
import App from './App';
ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement).render(
<App />
import { ToastOptions, ToastPosition } from '@hanseo0507/react-toast';
const options: ToastOptions = {
position: ToastPosition.topRight,
duration: 3000, // 3s
/// default
toast({ emoji: 'đ', emojiBackground: '#ECA0FF', text: 'Awesome Toast!' }, options);
// with linear-gradient
toast({ emoji: 'đ', emojiBackground: ['#ECA0FF', '#778DFF'], text: 'Awesome Toast!' }, options);
// linear-gradient with degree
{ emoji: 'đ', emojiBackground: ['70deg', '#ECA0FF', '#778DFF'], text: 'Awesome Toast!' },
// Info Toast -> { emoji: "âšī¸", emojiBackground: "#A0C9F0" } will be set
toast.info('Info Tost!', options);
// Success Toast -> { emoji: "â
", emojiBackground: "#6AD76A" } will be set
toast.success('Success Tost!', options);
// Warning Toast -> { emoji: "đ§", emojiBackground: "#F3E45C" } will be set
toast.warn('Warning Tost!', options);
toast.warning('Warning Toast!', options);
// Error/Danger Toast -> { emoji: "đ¨", emojiBackground: "#F3655C" } will be set
toast.danger('Warning Tost!', options);
toast.error('Warning Toast!', options);