TT React Calendar

A no-frills calendar widget that lets you bring your own styling. This component takes a start date, an end date, and a renderDay function, and then gets out of the way.


npm install --save tt-react-calendar


import Calendar from 'tt-react-calendar';

function renderDay(day) {
  return <div className="day">{day.format('dd')}</div>

function renderMonthHeader(firstDay, format) {
  // Don't render month headers for 2016, for some reason.
  if (firstDay.year() === 2017) {
    return firstDay.format(format);

function MyComponent() {
  return (
      dayAbbrevs={['Su', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'Th', 'F', 'Sa']}
      monthHeaderFormat="MMMM YYYY"

And somewhere in your stylesheet build process...

@import 'tt-react-calendar/dist/styles.css';


Name Type Description Since Version
className string Class name for the calendar's container element 1.0.0
compactMonths bool A flag that combines all of the months into one continuous block of days, with the month header split out and positioned along the left edge of the container. This sets position: absolute, right: 100%, and margin: 0 on the month header class, so override those properties in your CSS if you think you have better ideas. 1.3.0
dayAbbrevs Array.<string> Array of day names, starting with Sunday. Defaults to ['Su', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'Th', 'F', 'Sa']. 1.0.0
dayHeaderClassName string Class name for the day header container element 1.2.0
dayHeaderStyle Enum Determines where the day column headers are rendered. Can be one of Calendar.DayHeaderStyles.InFirstMonth (the default), Calendar.DayHeaderStyles.AboveFirstMonth, or Calendar.DayHeaderStyles.InEveryMonth 1.0.0
firstRenderedDay varied The first date that will be rendered as part of the calendar. Can be any type that moment's constructor supports. 1.0.0
gutterWidth string CSS value to use as the gutter between columns 1.5.0
lastRenderedDay varied The last date that will be rendered as part of the calendar. Can be any type that moment's constructor supports. 1.0.0
monthClassName string Class name to add to each month element 1.0.0
monthHeaderFormat string Format of the month header text. See moment.format for the available options. Defaults to 'MMMM YYYY'. 1.0.0
monthHeaderClassName string Class name to add to each month header h3 element 1.0.0
renderDay function A function that takes a moment object of a single day as a parameter and returns a React element. Defaults to (day) => <div>{day.format('YYYY-MM-DD')}</div> 1.0.0
renderMonthHeader function A function that takes a moment object and the value of the monthHeaderFormat prop, and returns a React element. Defaults to (firstDay, format) => firstDay.format(format) 1.4.0
weekClassName string Class name for the week element 1.1.0


Issues/PRs welcome!

Set up dev environment

tt-react-calendar uses yarn for its package management
during development. If you don't already have yarn installed on your machine,
follow the installation instructions here.
Once yarn is installed, you can simply run


to install all development dependencies.


Please make sure your code passes our tests and linter.

yarn test
yarn run lint

It's not scary! Just a few code style rules to keep devs from shooting themselves
in the foot, and tests to make sure we didn't accidentally break anything.
