
A multiple text field input component, built using the FluentUI library, with the following features:

  • specify optional minimum, maximum and initial value count;
  • controls for adding and removing input items;
  • fine-grained control over input item configuration, including appearance and error message handling.

Also an animated demo which is configured for a minmum of 3 input items, a maximum of 10 and an initial count of 4.


npm install --save lvd-fluentui-multitextfield


The demo directory contains a compiled and ready-to-run example. Just open up the index.html file.

Basic Usage

import React from 'react';
import { MultiTextField } from 'lvd-fluentui-multitextfield';

class MultiTextFieldSamplePage extends React.Component {
	constructor(props) {

		this.state = {
			values: []

		this._handleValuesChanged = 

	_handleValuesChanged(values) {
		// Do something with the values
			values: values

	render() {
		return (

You can find a full working example here.


You can either directly include the dist/style.css into your html web page or use the @import directive inside your stylesheet if building using webpack:

@import '~lvd-fluentui-multitextfield/dist/style.css';

Also see the component itself.


To build the demo application:

npm run build-app

To build the library:

npm run build-dist

To build both in one sitting:

npm run build

Customization Options

What Prop Name Type Notes
Set additional master container css class name className string Defaults to null.
Set additional master inline css style properties style object Key-value plain javascript object. Defaults to {}.
Set input label label string Defaults to empty string.
Configure all input items inputProps Input Items Configuration Object See below.
Configure the add input item action addInputItemActionProps Add Input Action Configuration Object See below.
Configure the remove input item action removeInputItemActionProps Remove Input Action Configuration Object See below.
Set minimum input item count minItemCount Number Defaults to 1.
Set maximum input item count maxItemCount Number Defaults to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER.
Set initial input item count initialItemCount Number Defaults to 1. Must be within specified minimum and maximum input item counts.
Set values values string[] Defaults to an array of empty string values with the length equal to the specified initial item count.
Configure specific input item onGetInputProps (itemValue:string, itemIndex:number): Input Items Configuration Object See below.
Get error message for specific input item onGetInputItemErrorMessage (itemValue:string, itemIndex:number): string Return empty string if no error. By default, if the input item is required, but no error message is provided, the You must fill in a value message id displayed.
Get default value for specific input item onGetDefaultInputItemValue (itemIndex:number): string Default value defaults to an empty string.

Input Items Configuration Object

A plain javascript object with the following properties:

Name Type Notes
className string CSS class name for the actual input element. Defaults to null.
style object Additional inline css style properties for the actual input element. Defaults to {}.
label string Individual label for the input item. Defaults to null.
placeholder string Individual placeholder for the actual input element. Defaults to Please enter a value.
description string Individual description for the actual input element. Defaults to null.
required boolean Whether the actual input element is required or not. Defaults to false.
underlined boolean Whether or not to display the actual input element in underlined style. Defaults to false.
readOnly boolean Whether or not to make the actual input element read-only. Defaults to false.
disabled boolean Whether or not to disable the actual input element. Defaults to false.
borderless boolean Whether or not to make the actual input element borderless. Defaults to false.

Add Input Action Configuration Object

A plain javascript object with the following properties:

Name Type Notes

Remove Input Action Configuration Object

A plain javascript object with the following properties:

Name Type Notes


Event Prop Name Arguments Notes
Value added at index onInputItemAdded (newValue:string, itemIndex:number) -
Value removed at index onInputItemRemoved (removedValue:string, itemIndex:number) -
Input item focused onInputItemFocus (itemIndex:number) Triggered when one of the underlying TextFields gains focus.
Input item lost focus onInputItemBlur (itemIndex:number) Triggered when one of the underlying TextFields loses focus.
Value changed onChange (values:string[]) Triggered when: a new input item is added, an existing input item is removed or the value of an existing input item is changed.
