
A React virtualized, autosizing masonry component based upon Brian Vaughn's react-virtualized and further inspired by react-window.


React >16.8 is a minimum requirement because
this package relies on and provides React hooks.


Brian's Masonry component is great in its
performance and versatility, but I wanted something more directly suited
to my growing needs for scalable masonry layout. I also desired something
with an API that more closely matched react-window's awesome API.



An autosizing virtualized masonry component which only renders items
currently visible in the window.

import {Masonry} from 'masonic'

const items = []
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
  items.push({id: i})

const EasyMasonryComponent = props => (
  <Masonry items={items}>
    {({index, data, width}) => (
        <div>Index: {index}</div>
        <div>Column width: {width}</div>
React JSX

Prop types

Column rendering
  • columnWidth
    • <number> required
    • default 240
    • This is the minimum column width. Masonic will automatically
      size your columns to fill its container based on your provided
      columnWidth and columnGutter values. It will never render
      anything smaller than this defined width unless its container
      is smaller than its value.
  • columnGutter
    • <number>
    • default 0
    • This defines the amount of vertical and horizontal space in pixels to
      display between the rendered items
  • columnCount
    • <number>
    • By default, Masonic derives the column count from the provided
      minimum column width. However, in some situations it is nice to be
      able to override that behavior (e.g. when creating a <List>)
Item rendering
  • render
    • <React.Component|function> required
    • alias children
    • This is the component which is rendered for each item in items
      below. It receives 3 properties from Masonic:
      • index
        • `
        • The index of the item in the items array below
      • data
        • <any>
        • The data provided by items[index] from the items array below
      • width
        • The width of the column containing this component. This is highly
          useful for better estimating the sizes of things like images.
  • items
    • <array> required
    • An array of items to render. The data contained here is used for
      creating the data property passed to your render component. It
      is also used for the onRender callback and the itemKey generator.
      Its length is used for determining the estimated height of the
  • itemHeightEstimate
    • <number>
    • default 300
    • This value is used for estimating the initial height of the
      Masonry container element. Though unimportant at face value, it is
      vital to the UX of the scrolling behavior and in determining how
      many items to initially render.
  • itemAs
    • <React.Component|string|function>
    • default div
    • This determines the element type created by React when creating
      the position wrappers for the rendered items. A common use case
      would be changing this to li and the as prop to ul.
  • itemStyle
    • <object>
    • This appends additional inline styles to the position wrappers for
      rendered items.
  • itemKey(item: any, index: number)
    • <function>
    • The value returned by this function must be unique to its item.
    • By default, an item's index will be used as its key. This is okay if:
      • Your collections of items is never modified
      • Your render component is not stateful and does not extend PureComponent
    • e.g. itemKey={data =>}
Customizing the container element
  • as
    • <React.Component|function|string>
    • default div
    • This is useful if for example you'd like the container element to be
      of the node type ul
  • id
    • <string>
    • An custom ID to apply to the container
  • className
    • <string>
    • A custom class name to apply to the container
  • style
    • <object>
    • Additional inline styles to apply to the container
  • role
    • <string>
    • default grid
    • An accessibility role to apply to the container
  • tabIndex
    • <number>
    • default 0
    • A tabindex value to apply to the container. Used for accessibility.
Window properties
  • initialWidth
    • <number>
    • default 1280
    • An initial width to provide to the window scroller when the
      window is not defined, i.e. in SSR.
  • initialHeight
    • <number>
    • default 720
    • An initial height to provide to the window scroller when the
      window is not defined, i.e. in SSR.
  • overscanBy
    • <number>
    • default 2
    • This is used for determining the number of elements outside of the
      visible window to pre-render
      • This value is multiplied by the height of the window. By defining
        2 you're saying 'render enough elements to fill two windows'.
      • Overscanning allows the tab key to focus on the next (not yet visible)
      • Overscanning can slightly reduce or prevent a flash of empty space
        when a user first starts scrolling.
  • windowScroller
    • <object>
    • An object which defines option for the underlying window scroll position
      and size tracker. Its properties are:
    • scroll
      • <object>
      • fps
        • <number>
        • default 8
        • The frames per second to throttle the window scroll position
          updates to. The default of 8 effectively means the scroll
          position will only update 8 times in 1 second, or once every
    • size
      • <object>
      • wait
        • <number>
        • default 120
        • Window resize events are debounced to avoid doing wayyyy too
          much reflow work when the window size changes. This value
          specifies the amount of time to wait until those resize events
          stop firing before the event is actually allowed to trigger,
          and the size is measured. 120 is a sane default, as it feels
          instantaneous when you stop resizing and it doesn't do too
          much work in the interim.
  • onRender(startIndex: number, stopIndex: number, items: array)
    • <function>
    • This callback fires any time the items rendered in the visible
      window change.
    • startIndex
      • <number>
      • The index of the first item most recently rendered.
    • stopIndex
      • <number>
      • The index of the last item most recently rendered.
    • items
      • The array of items provided in the items prop

When a ref is provided to this component, you'll have access to its
following methods:

  • clearPositions(): void
    • Clears the position cache of the component. This is primarily used
      for resetting the position state when you want to render a completely
      different array of items. You could also provide a unique key
      property to the <Masonry> component to achieve similar.


An autosizing virtualized list component which only renders items currently
visible in the window. This is just a single-column Masonry component.

Prop types

This component inherits all of the props listed in <Masonry> with exception
to columnWidth, columnCount, and columnGutter which are discarded.

  • rowGutter
    • <number>
    • This defines the amount of vertical space in pixels to display between the
      rendered items

useInfiniteLoader(loadMoreItems: function, opt: object): onRenderCallback

A React hook for seamlessly creating an infinite scrolling Masonry or List

import {Masonry, useInfiniteLoader} from 'masonic'

const fetchMoreItems = memoize((startIndex, stopIndex) =>
    `/api/get-more?after=${startIndex}&limit=${startIndex + stopIndex}`
  ).then(items => {
    // do something to add the new items to your state

const InfiniteMasonry = props => {
  const maybeLoadMore = useInfiniteLoader(fetchMoreItems)
  return <Masonry {...props} onRender={maybeLoadMore} />
React JSX


  • loadMoreItems
    • <function> required
    • This callback will be invoked when more items must be loaded.
    • It should implement the following signature:
      • (startIndex: number, stopIndex: number, items: array): Promise
    • The returned Promise should be resolved once row data has finished loading.
    • It will be used to determine when to refresh the list with the newly-loaded data.
    • This callback may be called multiple times in reaction to a single scroll event.
      As such, you are expected to memoize/track whether or not you've already
      received the startIndex, stopIndex, items values to prevent
      loading data more than once.
  • opt
    • <object>
    • isItemLoaded
      • <function>
      • default (index, items) => items[index] !== undefined
      • Function responsible for determining the loaded state of each item.
      • It should implement the following signature:
        • (index: number, items: array): boolean
    • minimumBatchSize
      • <number>
      • default 16
      • Minimum number of items to be loaded at a time. This property is
        used to batch requests to reduce HTTP requests.
    • threshold
      • <number>
      • default 16
      • A threshold at which to pre-fetch data.
      • The default value of 16 means that data will start loading when
        a user scrolls within 16 items.
    • totalItems
      • <number>
      • default 9E9
      • The total number of items you'll need to eventually load (if known).
        This can be arbitrarily high if not known (as such, the default value).

Differences from react-virtualized/Masonry

There are actually quite a few differences between these components and
the originals, despite the overall design being highly inspired by them.

  1. The original component requires a <CellMeasurer>,
    cellPositioner, and cellMeasurerCache. In Masonic this
    functionality is built in and uses resize-observer-polyfill
    for tracking cell size changes.

  2. This component will auto-calculate the number of columns to render based
    upon the defined columnWidth property. The column count will update
    any time it changes.

  3. The implementation for updating cell positions and sizes is also much more
    efficient in this component because only specific cells and columns are
    updated when cell sizes change, whereas in the original a complete reflow
    is triggered.

  4. The Masonry component only renders relative to its parent container's width
    and the browser window's height. The original component is tuned for
    rendering inside a parent container and not the window. You can import
    FreeMasonry to customize this behavior.

  5. The API is a complete rewrite and because of much of what is mentioned
    above, is much easier to use in my opinion.


🧱 High-performance masonry layouts for React — Read More

Latest commit to the main branch on 10-4-2024
Download as zip