A simple app that fetch data from marvel API
About the App: Application for android and ios where you can meet all marvel characters incluing heroes and villains.
How to use?
1 – Clone or download the Project to your machine.
2 – Open the project in Visual Studio code.
3 – Execute npm install
to restaure nodemodules file and download the dependecies
4 – Now, execute npx react-native start
in the project directory to start the Metro Bundle
5 – with the terminal open in the project directory and the emulator running, Execute npx react-native run-android
to install the app on emulador.
About the main components
Search Bar
- You can search for a character passing the inital caracters name or his/her full name.
Character card
- You can see the image,series, name and description of character.
- On click at the card You can see the description and series of character
Setting Button
- You can see more informations about the app, change the theme and see my github page.