Vortigern is our opinionated boilerplate for crafting universal web applications by using modern technologies like TypeScript, React and Redux.
Vortigern uses the following libraries and tools:
- TypeScript
- React & React DOM for views.
- React Router to handle in-app routing.
- Redux for managing application state.
- React-Redux to use React-Redux bindings.
- React-Router-Redux to keep application state sync with route changes.
- Isomorphic Fetch with ES6-Promise for using fetch api on both client & server side.
- Redux Thunk for dispatching async actions.
- Redux Connect for resolving async props in react-router.
- React Helmet
- classnames
Build System
- Webpack for bundling.
- Awesome TypeScript Loader as ts loader.
- Babel Loader as js loader.
- React Hot Loader for providing hot reload capability to our development server
- Isomorphic Style Loader for loading styles on server-side.
- Style Loader
- CSS Loader
- PostCSS Loader
- JSON Loader
- File Loader
- URL Loader
- Sourcemap Loader
- Manifest Plugin
- Extract Text Plugin for exporting bundled css.
- tslint Loader for using tslint as preloader on build process.
- stylelint Loader for using stylelint as preloader on build process.
- Istanbul Instrumenter Loader for using istanbul on postload process while generating code coverage reports.
Dev & Prod Server
- Webpack Dev Server
- Express for running server both on client and server side.
- Compression for gzip compression
- Serve Favicon for serving favicon.
Developer Experience
- Typings for installing type definitions of external libraries.
- tslint for linting TypeScript files.
- stylelint for linting styles.
- Redux Logger
- Redux DevTools
- Chalk for colored terminal logs.
- Karma as test runner with following plugins
- Mocha as testing framework.
- Chai as assertion library.
- Enzyme for rendering React Components.
- Fetch Mock for testing async actions.
- Redux Mock Store for creating mock stores.
Directory Structure
You can clone from this repository or install the latest version as a zip file or a tarball.
All commands defaults to development environment. You can set NODE_ENV
to production
or use the shortcuts below.
For Windows users, we recommend using the shortcuts instead of setting environment variables because they work a little different on Windows.
Vortigern is released under the MIT license.
The image in this README belongs to hhvferry.com.
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