
Very comfortable package to use tabs.
I looked for a tabs package that i can custom each tab and content the way i want.
for example different borderBottom on each tab.





 npm i react-cool-tabs --save


import  React  from  'react';
import CoolTabs from 'react-cool-tabs';

class Content1 extends Component {
  render() {
    return <div style={style}>
      this is Content1
class Content2 extends Component {
  render() {
    return <div style={style}>
      this is Content2

export  default  class  Example  extends  React.Component {
render() {
   return (
	       style={{ width:  550, height:  500, background:  'white' }}
	       activeTabStyle={{ background:  'red', color:  'white' }}
	       unActiveTabStyle={{ background:  'green', color:  'black' }}
	       activeLeftTabBorderBottomStyle={{ background:  'blue', height:  4 }}
	       activeRightTabBorderBottomStyle={{ background:  'yellow', height:  4 }}
	       tabsBorderBottomStyle={{ background:  'orange', height:  4 }}
	       leftContentStyle={{ background:  'lightgreen' }}
	       rightContentStyle={{ background:  'lightblue' }}
	       leftTabTitle={'Left title'}
	       rightTabTitle={'Right title'}
	       contentTransitionStyle={'transform 0.6s ease-in'}
	       borderTransitionStyle={'all 0.6s ease-in'}/>
React JSX


Some propStyles has also classNames, so you can use them in a css file.

props type classNames Description
style object className The style of the Container.
the default is width: 400, height: 400
tabsHeaderStyle object tabsHeaderClassName The style of the tabs part default here is height: 40
activeTabStyle object activeTabClassName The active tab style, u can also give style to the title font
unActiveTabStyle object unActiveClassName The Unactive tab style, u can also give style to the title font
leftTabStyle object leftTabClassName The left tab style only if you want different style for each tab.
activeTabStyle and unActiveTabStyle is stronger than this!
rightTabStyle object rightTabClassName The right tab style only if you want different style for each tab.
activeTabStyle and unActiveTabStyle is stronger than this!
leftTabTitleStyle object leftTabTitleClassName The left title style if you want to give each title different style
rightTabTitleStyle object rightTabTitleClassName The right title style if you want to give each title different style
leftTabTitle string leftTabTitle Left title name
rightTabTitle string rightTabTitle Right title name
tabsBorderBottomStyle object tabsBorderBottomClassName the border under the tabs
activeLeftTabBorderBottomStyle object activeLeftTabBorderBottomClassName border under the left tab if active
activeRightTabBorderBottomStyle object activeRightTabBorderBottomClassName border under the right tab if active
contentContainerStyle object contentContainerClassName Recommended just if you want to make the backgroundColor a gradient on both tabs content , else you can use leftContentStyle, and rightContentStyle
leftContentStyle object leftContentClassName The left content style
rightContentStyle object rightContentClassName the right content style
leftContent component/text/img - The content you want to have when you on the left tab
rightContent component/text/img - The content you want to have when you on the right tab
contentTransitionStyle string - the speed and type of transition.
example: 'transform 0.6s ease-in'
has to start with the word 'transition'!
borderTransitionStyle string - The border transition style.
example: 'all 0.6s ease'
has to start with the word 'all'!


cool tabs for reactRead More

Latest commit to the master branch on 2-20-2019
Download as zip