
An Arweave.js dapp wallet aggregator for react. (similar to useWallet but for Arweave.)



Add it to your project:

yarn add arjs-react 

Use it in your React app:


import React, { useState, useEffect, useMemo } from 'react'
import { ArjsProvider, useArjs } from 'arjs-react'

function _App() {
      const  wallet  = useArjs();
      const permission = { permissions: ["SIGN_TRANSACTION"] }
      const [key, setKey] = useState('')

  const activate = (connector, key) => wallet.connect(connector, key)
    const getKey = (e) =>{ setKey(}

    const [balance, setBalance] = useState("Requesting...");
    const [address, setAddress] = useState("Requesting...");

    wallet.ready(() => {
      if(wallet.status == "connected")(async () => {
      setBalance(wallet.getArweave().ar.winstonToAr( await wallet.getBalance("self")))
      setAddress(await wallet.getAddress())

      {wallet.status == "connected" ? (
          <div>Account: {address}</div>
          <div>Balance: {balance}</div>
          <button onClick={() => wallet.disconnect()}>disconnect</button>
      ) : (
          <button onClick={() => activate('arweave', key)}>Arweave (with Key)</button>
          <input type="text" value={key} placeholder={'key here'} onChange={getKey}/>
          <button onClick={() => activate('arconnect', permission)}>ArConnect</button>

    //wrap the root component with <ArjsProvider />
    function App(){
      return (

            //Add wallets here
                arconnect: true,
                arweave: true
            //enable/disable smartweave contract interaction here
        <_App />

export default App 


<ArjsProvider />

This is the provider component. It should be placed above any component using useArjs(). Apart from children, it accepts two other props:


Enables smartweave transactions in wallet.arweave.smartweave.
Defaults to false.


Configuration for the different connectors. accepts a key: dapp wallet name with a truthy value, may accept wallet configurations when new wallets are added.

  • arweave: {}
  • arconnect: {}


This is the hook to be used throughout the app.
It returns an object representing the connected account (“wallet”), containing:

  • connect(connectorId, arg): Call this function with a connector ID to “connect” to a provider (see above for the connectors provided by default) and an arg which can either be the arconnect permissions to request or the wallet key to initialize "Arweave.js".
  • ready(callback) : Runs a function once a wallet is selected and the wallet has completed loading it's dependencies. useCallback with [arweave, status] as dependents.
  • connector: The "key" of the wallet you're connected to (e.g "arweave", "arconnect").
  • connectors: The full list of connectors.
  • disconnect(): Call this function to “disconnect” from the current provider. This will this will not disconnect arconnect to disconnect from arconnect use arweave.disconnect() in the wallet object.
  • status: Contains the current status of the wallet connection. The possible values are:
    • "disconnected": no wallet connected (default state).
    • "connecting": trying to connect to the wallet.
    • "connected": connected to the wallet (i.e. the account is available).
    • "failed": a connection error happened.
  • All the children of arweave shown below except disconnect are available directly in the wallet object
  • arweave:
  • isloading: Integer that increases when smartweave.write smartweave.iread wallet.sign and decreases once the functions completes execution.
  • loadStatus("add" | "sub"): loadStatus("add") increments isloading by one, loadStatus("sub") decrements isloading by one.
    • transaction(data): returns arweave.createTransaction(data)
    • post(transaction): returns
    • addTag(transaction, name, value): returns transaction.addTag(name, value)
    • sign(transaction): returns arweave.transactions.getUploader(transaction)
    • smartweave: returns:
      • write(input, id) executes interactWrite(arweave, wallet, id, input)
      • read(id) executes readContract(arweave, id)
      • iread(id) executes interactRead(arweave, wallet, id, input)
      • click here for Smartweave SDK readme.
    • getArweave: returns "the Arweave.js object provided by the connected wallet."
    • disconnect: returns window.arweaveWallet.disconnect() only available when connected with ArConnect.
    • getBalance: returns "current wallet balance in winston as string"
    • getAddress: returns "current wallet address as string"

Bonus ?

Added smartweave interactRead support for ArConnect.


To run the examples, switch to the respective directories. Then, simply run yarn dev.
