Confetti without the cleanup.
npm install react-confetti
and height
props are recommended. They will default to the initial window dimensions, but will not respond to resize events. It is recommended to provide the dimensions yourself. Here is an example using a hook:
import React from 'react'
import { useWindowSize } from 'react-use'
import Confetti from 'react-confetti'
export default () => {
const { width, height } = useWindowSize()
return (
Property | Type | Default | Description |
width |
Number |
window.innerWidth \|\| 300 |
Width of the <canvas> element. |
height |
Number |
window.innerHeight \|\| 200 |
Height of the <canvas> element. |
numberOfPieces |
Number |
200 | Number of confetti pieces at one time. |
confettiSource |
{ x: Number, y: Number, w: Number, h: Number } |
{x: 0, y: 0, w: canvas.width, h:0} |
Rectangle where the confetti should spawn. Default is across the top. |
friction |
Number |
0.99 | |
wind |
Number |
0 | |
gravity |
Number |
0.1 | |
colors |
Array of String |
['#f44336' '#e91e63' '#9c27b0' '#673ab7' '#3f51b5' '#2196f3' '#03a9f4' '#00bcd4' '#009688' '#4CAF50' '#8BC34A' '#CDDC39' '#FFEB3B' '#FFC107' '#FF9800' '#FF5722' '#795548'] |
All available Colors for the confetti pieces. |
opacity |
Number |
1.0 | |
recycle |
Bool |
true | Keep spawning confetti after numberOfPieces pieces have been shown. |
run |
Bool |
true | Run the animation loop |