
? Create amazing React components using Tailwind, only 143 bytes.

  • Minified version is only 143 bytes. Proof: import a,{forwardRef as b}from"react";export function wrapn(c){return d=>b((b,e)=>a.createElement(c,{ref:e,...b,className:d+" "+b.className}))}

import { wrapn } from 'wrapn'
const MyButton = wrapn('button')`
   h-12 px-4
<MyButton>Sign In</MyButton>


npm add wrapn


yarn add wrapn


Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/wrapn/wrapn.git

Install dependencies

yarn install

Or copy & paste this line

git clone https://github.com/wrapn/wrapn.git && cd wrapn && yarn install


Solve A Typing Error

There is no error while using this library expect a typing error that occurs with useRef

The first goal is to solve this typing error.

import { wrapn } from 'wrapn'
import { useRef } from 'react'

const MyDiv = wrapn('div')`
   flex flex-col

const MyButton = wrapn('button')`
   h-12 px-4

function Page() {
   const buttonRef = useRef<HTMLButtonElement>(null)
   return (
         <MyButton ref={buttonRef}>Press</MyButton>

The typing error:

Type 'MutableRefObject<HTMLButtonElement | undefined>' is not assignable to type 'Ref<((instance: HTMLButtonElement | null) => void) | RefObject<HTMLButtonElement> | null | undefined> | undefined'.
Type 'MutableRefObject<HTMLButtonElement | undefined>' is not assignable to type 'RefObject<((instance: HTMLButtonElement | null) => void) | RefObject<HTMLButtonElement> | null | undefined>'.
Types of property 'current' are incompatible.
Type 'HTMLButtonElement | undefined' is not assignable to type '((instance: HTMLButtonElement | null) => void) | RefObject<HTMLButtonElement> | null | undefined'.
Type 'HTMLButtonElement' is not assignable to type '((instance: HTMLButtonElement | null) => void) | RefObject<HTMLButtonElement> | null | undefined'.ts(2322)


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