
Drag and drop page building for any site.


What is it good for?

  • Landing pages
  • Documentation
  • Blogging
  • Marketing pages (homepage, etc)
  • Content pages (about, FAQ, etc)
  • Optimization (ab test pages)
  • Marketing teams that never stop asking for changes
  • Developers who are tired of pushing pixels

Getting Started

npm install --save

Grab a free account at and find your API key

import { builder, BuilderComponent } from ''


Then in your router

<Route path="/something" render={() => <BuilderComponent model="page" />}>

Create a new page and open your-dev-url:port/something and edit!

See our docs site for more info or contact us if you run into any issues or questions!

Using your components

Wrap a component

import { BuilderBlock } from ''

  name: 'Simple Text',
  inputs: [{ name: 'text', type: 'string' }]
export class SimpleText extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <h1>{this.props.text}</h1>

Then back at your page

import './simple-page'

// ...

<Route path="/something" render={() => <BuilderComponent model="page">}>

Open the dashboard and use it!

See our docs site for additional help and information, or contact us if you run into any issues or questions!

For Builder decorator support you need to be using typescript or babel with legacy decorators.
Alternatively you can use the alternative syntax:

import { BuilderBlock } from ''

class SimpleText extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <h1>{this.props.text}</h1>

  name: 'Simple Text',
  inputs: [{ name: 'text', type: 'string' }]
