Foxpage SDK JS

Foxpage SDK for JavaScript in the browser and Node.js.

✨ Project

<Project Root>
  ├── .storybook                    // storybook config
  ├── docs                          // docs
  └── packages
  │   ├─foxpage-app-server          // site application
  │   ├─foxpage-browser-loader      // load source in browser
  │   ├─foxpage-core                // foxpage sdk core: for parse DSL
  │   ├─foxpage-engine-react        // react render
  │   ├─foxpage-entry-react         // react csr entry
  │   ├─foxpage-js-sdk              // browser sdk
  │   ├─foxpage-manager             // resource manager
  │   ├─foxpage-middleware-koa      // koa middleware for foxpage node sdk
  │   ├─foxpage-node-sdk            // nodejs sdk
  │   ├─foxpage-plugin              // foxpage plugin core
  │   ├─foxpage-plugin-*            // foxpage sys plugin
  │   ├─foxpage-shared              // common utils
  │   ├─foxpage-transformer         // DSL transformer
  │   └─foxpage-types               // common types
  └── jest.config.js                // jest common config

? Environment Support

Minimum node.js version
typescript version

⌨️ Development

clone locally:

$ git clone [email protected]:fox-open/foxpage-sdk-js.git
$ cd foxpage-sdk-js
$ yarn boot

? Commit

commit used [angular standard](。

commit config: commitlint.config.js。 see: github

commit lint by husky


npm run commit

// or

npx git-cz

? publish & Release

  1. npm run boot and succeed before publish.
  2. lerna publish --ignore-scripts --no-push to publish public packages
  3. npm run release -- --release-as patch or npm run release -- --release-as minor generate new version: standard-version.


View Github