Random Call APIs

To welcome hacktoberfest we provide to create this repository to make you can contribute in hacktober fest with happy and make you more creative.

Built With

This app build with React.JS and tailwind css

  • React.js
  • Tailwind Css

Getting Started

How to contribute? Just fork this repository and then, create branch from forked repository, edit, create pull request, finish


Please be sure to have node.js to run this app


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/akimabs/random-call-api.git
  2. Install NPM packages
    npm install


To start developing this app you can follow this step:

  1. Type npm start and press enter, the app will appear automatically in development mode.

  2. Copy file src/example/example-file.js to src/contributor and rename it.

  3. Start developing your new file.

  4. import your file to index.js

  5. Finish, yeay~ Your development progress is done.