
Login modal component built with React. Besides a traditional sign in and sign up forms you may use our pre-configured social login buttons. In the current version we offer a support for Facebook and Google.

Since we intend to target the module for developers, we decided to offer bigger customization options. This requires some functions to be created in a parent component. Don't worry though. We will cover that topic further in this manual.



npm install --save react-modal-login

Social support

If you're willing to use social login buttons, you need to configure them first.
You may either keep those settings in a separate file or no, it's up to you.
For the sake of keeping everything in order, we demonstrate how to use it in
social-config.js file

Typical Facebook configuration

const facebook = {
  cookie: true,
  xfbml: true,
  version: 'v2.11',
  scope: 'email'

export const facebookConfig = facebook;

Typical Google configuration

const google = {
  scope: ""

export const googleConfig = google;

Managing state in parent component

Just as I wrote at the upper part of this manual, our component is highly customizable. Thus, some of the methods
needed for basic functionality need to be passed down from the parent component. Just like in the example below.
If you would like to enjoy a full range of plugin's functionality you need to:

  • declare initial state - it is recommended to do this in a constructor function
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      showModal: false,
      loading: false,
      error: null


You need to create methods to be passed to ReactModalLogin component such as:

  • openModal() - action to open the modal. For instance, you may bind this to click of the "sign in" button etc.
  • closeModal() - action to close the modal. You need to pass it to the component later on to enable hiding the modal
    by clicking close button or clicking in overlay wrap
  • startLoading() - action needed to serve the loading event. When there is an asynchronous action in component you may
    be willing to make other elements inactive
  • finishLoading() - that action is indicating the end of loading and it's making all the elements inside the component
    active again
  • onTabsChange() - callback to clicking tab button. As provided in our example, you may use it to clean the error state

Most Likely you will be in the need of using social login callback actions. Those may execute some code in your app as well
as display the fail error:

  • onLoginSuccess() - success login callback
  • onLoginFail() - "login failed" callback. It is recommended to execute setState() function here which changes the error


import React from 'react';
import ReactModalLogin from 'react-modal-login';

import {facebookConfig, googleConfig} from "social-config";

class Sample extends React.Component {

  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      showModal: false,
      loading: false,
      error: null


  openModal() {
      showModal: true,

  closeModal() {
      showModal: false,
      error: null
  onLoginSuccess(method, response) {
    console.log('logged successfully with ' + method);

  onLoginFail(method, response) {
    console.log('logging failed with ' + method);
      error: response

  startLoading() {
      loading: true

  finishLoading() {
      loading: false

  onTabsChange() {
      error: null

  render() {

    return (

          onClick={() => this.openModal()}
          Open Modal

            onChange: this.onTabsChange.bind(this)
            label: "Couldn't sign in, please try again."
            label: "Couldn't sign up, please try again."
            facebook: {
              config: facebookConfig,
              onLoginSuccess: this.onLoginSuccess.bind(this),
              onLoginFail: this.onLoginFail.bind(this),
              label: "Continue with Facebook"
            google: {
              config: googleConfig,
              onLoginSuccess: this.onLoginSuccess.bind(this),
              onLoginFail: this.onLoginFail.bind(this),
              label: "Continue with Google"

Component's properties

  • mainWrapClass |string| - custom class of the whole component's wrapper (which contains both overlay and the popup itself)

  • mainWrapId |string| - id of the whole component's wrapper

  • initialTab |string| - (default "login") initial tab we'd like to mark as opened - "login" or "register"

  • onAfterCloseModal |function| - action executing just after the closing of modal

  • onBeforeCloseModal |function| - action executing just before the closing of modal

  • onCloseModal |function| - function closing the modal

  • overlayClass |string| - custom class of the popup wrap overlay

  • visible |boolean| - boolean which determines whether popup should be visible or no

  • additionalWrap |object| - that's the div which shows loader and error messages in case we don't include our custom form

    • containerClass |string| - additionalWrap container custom class
    • disabled |boolean| - boolean determining if the additionalWrap should be disabled
  • closeBtn |object| - close button object

    • containerClass |string| - close button container custom class
  • form |object| - object of custom login/register form you may include in popup

    • onLogin |function| - function executing when user click 'sign in' button

    • onRegister |function| - function executing when user click 'sign up' button

    • onRecoverPassword |function| - function executing when user click 'recover password' button

    • loginContainerClass |string| - custom class of login form container

    • registerContainerClass |string| - custom class of register form container

    • recoverPasswordContainerClass |string| - custom class of password recovery form container

    • bottomLoginContainer |element| - custom container below login inputs group

    • bottomRegisterContainer |element| - custom container below register inputs group

    • bottomRecoverPasswordContainer |element| - custom container below password recovery inputs group

    • recoverPasswordSuccessLabel - |object| - Text being displayed when we successfully recover password
      * labelClass |string| - custom class of the text
      * label |string or element| - text of the text

    • recoverPasswordAnchor - |object| - Forgotten password link visible on login tab

      • anchorClass |string| - custom class of the link
      • label |string or element| - text of the link
    • loginBtn - |object| - login button

      • buttonClass |string| - custom class of login button
      • label |string or element| - text inside login button
    • registerBtn - |object| - register button

      • buttonClass |string| - custom class of register button
      • label |string or element| - text inside register button
    • recoverPasswordBtn - |object| - recover password button

      • buttonClass |string| - custom class of recover password button
      • label |string or element| - text inside recover password button
    • loginInputs |array| - Array of objects. Every each of them represents single login input field

      • containerClass |string| - custom class of input wrap
      • type |string| - HTML type of input (email, password, text, number etc.)
      • inputClass |string| - custom class of the input
      • id |string| - input's id
      • name |string| - input's name
      • placeholder |string| - input's placeholder
      • label |string or element| - label of the input
    • registerInputs |array| - Array of objects. Every each of them represents single register input field

      • containerClass |string| - custom class of input wrap
      • type |string| - HTML type of input (email, password, text, number etc.)
      • inputClass |string| - custom class of the input
      • id |string| - input's id
      • name |string| - input's name
      • placeholder |string| - input's placeholder
      • label |string or element| - label of the input
    • recoverPasswordInputs |array| - Array of objects. Every each of them represents single recovery password form input field

      • containerClass |string| - custom class of input wrap
      • type |string| - HTML type of input (email, password, text, number etc.)
      • inputClass |string| - custom class of the input
      • id |string| - input's id
      • name |string| - input's name
      • placeholder |string| - input's placeholder
      • label |string or element| - label of the input
  • loader |object| - loader svg object

    • containerClass |string| - loader container custom class
    • disabled |boolean| - boolean determining if the loader should be disabled
  • providers |object| - object containing social buttons providers data

    • facebook - |object| - facebook button object

      • btnClass |string| - button custom class
      • config |object| - Facebook API config parameters used to init the modal
        (for more info please see Facebook API config docs
        and Facebook API scope docs)
      • btn |element| - if you would like to insert custom button for facebook login include it here
      • onLoginSuccess |function(method, response)| - login success callback. It returns method which will be 'facebook'
        and login success response
      • onLoginFail |function(method, response)| - login fail callback. It returns method which will be 'facebook'
        and login fail response
      • label |string or element| - text inside FB button
    • google - |object| - google button object

      • btnClass |string| - button custom class
      • config |object| - Google API config parameters used to init the modal
        (for more info please visit Google developers page)
      • btn |element| - if you would like to insert custom button for google login include it here
      • onLoginSuccess |function(method, response)| - login success callback. It returns method which will be 'google'
        and login success response
      • onLoginFail |function(method, response)| - login fail callback. It returns method which will be 'google'
        and login fail response
      • label |string or element| - text inside Google button
  • loginError |object| - login error message object

    • containerClass |string| - login error container custom class
    • label |string or element| - text of failed login message
  • registerError |object| - register error message object

    • containerClass |string| - register error container custom class
    • label |string or element| - text of failed register message
  • recoverPasswordError |object| - recover password error message object

    • containerClass |string| - recover password error container custom class
    • label |string or element| - text of failed recover password message
  • separator |object| - object of separator which sits between social login buttons and custom form

    • containerClass |string| - separator custom class
    • label |string or element| - text of separator
  • tabs |object| - sign in / sign up tabs object

    • containerClass |string| - tabs container custom class
    • onChange |function| - callback which fires after the change of a tab
    • loginLabel |string| - text of login label
    • registerLabel |string| - text of register label


Social buttons API

Both Facebook and Google instances are initialized the first time you open popup modal. We decided to take such an attitude
to save some of the precious loading time when the user enters the website.

After the initialization is complete you have an access to:

  • Facebook instance - window.FB
  • Google instance - window.gapi
