
React component for zooming in on images

  • simple and customizable
  • supports touch screens
  • allows using different files for large image and magnifying glass (e.g. thumbnail and high-resolution image)


Install the package using NPM:

npm install react-magnifier

Add the component to your React application:

import Magnifier from 'react-magnifier';
import yourImage from './path/to/image';

// Somewhere in your code:
<Magnifier src={yourImage} width={500} />


Prop Type Default Description
src (required) String URL/path of the large image
alt String Alternate text for the large image
width Number/String '100%' Image width (absolute or relative values possible)
height Number/String 'auto' Image width (absolute or relative values possible)
zoomImgSrc String URL/path of the image inside the magnifying glass (if not specified, the large image will be used)
zoomFactor Number 1.5 Factor by which the zoom image will be scaled (based on the size of the large image)
mgWidth Number 150 Width of the magnifying glass in px
mgHeight Number 150 Height of the magnifying glass in px
mgShape String 'circle' Shape of the magnifying glass (possible values: 'circle', 'square')
mgMouseOffsetX Number 0 Horizontal offset of the magnifying glass in px when hovering with a mouse
mgMouseOffsetY Number 0 Vertical offset of the magnifying glass in px when hovering with a mouse
mgTouchOffsetX Number -50 Horizontal offset of the magnifying glass in px when dragging on a touch screen
mgTouchOffsetY Number -50 Vertical offset of the magnifying glass in px when dragging on a touch screen

Custom styling

.magnifier {
  // styles for <div> around image and magnifying glass

.magnifier-image {
  // styles for large image

.magnifying-glass {
  // styles for magnifying glass


  • git clone
  • npm install
  • npm start to generate the library bundle using Rollup
  • Open localhost:3000 to see the component in action using Storybook
