React DatePicker
Flexible, Reusable, Mobile friendly DatePicker Component.
? Intro
✨ Major Component
- RangeDatePicker
- DatePicker
- Standalone Calendar
- TimePicker
The components that you can use are as follows: If you want to configure the DatePicker
yourself, you can configure it any way you want through the Default Calendar component
? Built With
- TypeScript
- Sass
- React
? Dependency
is a javascript library for Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates and times. this component use moment library to globalize and control date. You can check the locale list through this link.
? Installation
? Examples
Simple DatePicker
You can find more Exmaples and Demo in story book link
? Themeing
- Copy this project asset folder under scss file
- Override scss variable you want(_variable.scss)
( red theme examples )
if you want custom css rewrite app.scss
Try this example!
⚙️ Local Development
This component is managed by a storybook
which is combined with develop environment
and documentation
. If you want develop in local environment, clone project and develop through a storybook
Open your browser and connect http://localhost:6006