
React wrapper for @goongmaps/goong-geocoder for use with @goongmaps/goong-map-react.



$ npm install @goongmaps/goong-geocoder-react



$ yarn add @goongmaps/goong-geocoder-react



import '@goongmaps/goong-geocoder-react/dist/goong-geocoder.css'


Link tag in header:

<link href='https://unpkg.com/@goongmaps/goong-geocoder@1.0.5/dist/goong-geocoder.css' rel='stylesheet' />


Only mapRef and goongApiAccessToken are required.

Name Type Default Description
mapRef Object Ref for react-map-gl map component.
containerRef Object This can be used to place the geocoder outside of the map. The position prop is ignored if this is passed in.
onViewportChange Function () => {} Is passed updated viewport values after executing a query.
goongApiAccessToken String https://account.goong.io
inputValue String Sets the search input value
origin String "https://rsapi.goong.io" Use to set a custom API origin.
zoom Number 14 On geocoded result what zoom level should the map animate to
radius Number 3000 Distance by kilometers around map center
placeholder String "Search" Override the default placeholder attribute value.
proximity Object A proximity argument: this is a geographical point given as an object with latitude and longitude properties. Search results closer to this point will be given higher priority.
trackProximity Boolean false If true, the geocoder proximity will automatically update based on the map view.
collapsed Boolean false If true, the geocoder control will collapse until hovered or in focus.
clearAndBlurOnEsc Boolean false If true, the geocoder control will clear it's contents and blur when user presses the escape key.
clearOnBlur Boolean false If true, the geocoder control will clear its value when the input blurs.
minLength Number 2 Minimum number of characters to enter before results are shown.
limit Number 5 Maximum number of results to show.
render Function A function that specifies how the results should be rendered in the dropdown menu. Accepts a single Carmen GeoJSON object as input and return a string. Any html in the returned string will be rendered. Uses goong-geocoder's default rendering if no function provided.
position String "top-right" Position on the map to which the geocoder control will be added. Valid values are "top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left", and "bottom-right".
onInit Function () => {} Is passed Goong geocoder instance as param and is executed after Goong geocoder is initialized.
onClear Function () => {} Executed when the input is cleared.
onLoading Function () => {} Is passed { query } as a param and is executed when the geocoder is looking up a query.
onResults Function () => {} Is passed { results } as a param and is executed when the geocoder returns a response.
onResult Function () => {} Is passed { result } as a param and is executed when the geocoder input is set.
onError Function () => {} Is passed { error } as a param and is executed when an error occurs with the geocoder.


import '@goongmaps/goong-js/dist/goong-js.css'
import '@goongmaps/goong-geocoder/dist/goong-geocoder.css'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import MapGL from '@goongmaps/goong-map-react'
import Geocoder from '@goongmaps/goong-geocoder-react'

class Example extends Component {
  state = {
    viewport: {
      latitude: 21.026975,
      longitude: 105.853460,
      zoom: 12

  mapRef = React.createRef()

  handleViewportChange = (viewport) => {
      viewport: { ...this.state.viewport, ...viewport }

  // if you are happy with Geocoder default settings, you can just use handleViewportChange directly
  handleGeocoderViewportChange = (viewport) => {
    const geocoderDefaultOverrides = { transitionDuration: 1000 }

    return this.handleViewportChange({

  render() {
    return (

export default Example


