React wrapper for @goongmaps/goong-geocoder for use with @goongmaps/goong-map-react.
$ npm install @goongmaps/goong-geocoder-react
$ yarn add @goongmaps/goong-geocoder-react
Link tag in header:
Only mapRef
and goongApiAccessToken
are required.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
mapRef | Object | Ref for react-map-gl map component. | |
containerRef | Object | This can be used to place the geocoder outside of the map. The position prop is ignored if this is passed in. |
onViewportChange | Function | () => {} | Is passed updated viewport values after executing a query. |
goongApiAccessToken | String | https://account.goong.io | |
inputValue | String | Sets the search input value | |
origin | String | "https://rsapi.goong.io" | Use to set a custom API origin. |
zoom | Number | 14 | On geocoded result what zoom level should the map animate to |
radius | Number | 3000 | Distance by kilometers around map center |
placeholder | String | "Search" | Override the default placeholder attribute value. |
proximity | Object | A proximity argument: this is a geographical point given as an object with latitude and longitude properties. Search results closer to this point will be given higher priority. | |
trackProximity | Boolean | false | If true, the geocoder proximity will automatically update based on the map view. |
collapsed | Boolean | false | If true, the geocoder control will collapse until hovered or in focus. |
clearAndBlurOnEsc | Boolean | false | If true, the geocoder control will clear it's contents and blur when user presses the escape key. |
clearOnBlur | Boolean | false | If true, the geocoder control will clear its value when the input blurs. |
minLength | Number | 2 | Minimum number of characters to enter before results are shown. |
limit | Number | 5 | Maximum number of results to show. |
render | Function | A function that specifies how the results should be rendered in the dropdown menu. Accepts a single Carmen GeoJSON object as input and return a string. Any html in the returned string will be rendered. Uses goong-geocoder's default rendering if no function provided. | |
position | String | "top-right" | Position on the map to which the geocoder control will be added. Valid values are "top-left" , "top-right" , "bottom-left" , and "bottom-right" . |
onInit | Function | () => {} | Is passed Goong geocoder instance as param and is executed after Goong geocoder is initialized. |
onClear | Function | () => {} | Executed when the input is cleared. |
onLoading | Function | () => {} | Is passed { query } as a param and is executed when the geocoder is looking up a query. |
onResults | Function | () => {} | Is passed { results } as a param and is executed when the geocoder returns a response. |
onResult | Function | () => {} | Is passed { result } as a param and is executed when the geocoder input is set. |
onError | Function | () => {} | Is passed { error } as a param and is executed when an error occurs with the geocoder. |