
Transform SVG to React Chakra UI from SVG file to CODE.



  • [x] Transform <SVG/> to Chakra-UI Icon Component or Functional createIcon(...).
    • <Icon /> Component, See.
    • createIcon(...) Functional, See.
  • [x] Multiple input with directories or files as input value for option -i or --input.
  • [x] Support case in export name declaration (camel|snake|pascal|constant).
  • [x] Suffix and Prefix for generated code of export name declaration.
  • [x] Support type annotation when code generated is <Icon />.


Command Line Arguments

create-chakra-icons [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [INPUT]


-h, --help      Prints help information
-V, --version   Prints version information


-i, --input <PATH>      This option for read the input from PATH of FILE or DIRECTORIES.
                        [e.g.: -i some/path , -i file.svg]
-o, --output <PATH>     Writes the output. [default: stdout]
-n, --name <STRING>     Sets value for `displayName` properties
                        (*ONLY for pipelines command). [default: Unamed] [e.g. -n "MyIcon"]
-C, --case <snake|camel|constant|pascal>     
                        Sets for case [snake|camel|constant|pascal] in export named declaration 
                        output. [default: pascal]
-S, --suffix <STRING>   Sets for suffix in export named declaration.
-P, --prefix <STRING>   Sets for prefix in export named declaration.
                        [e.g.: -S "Icon"]
--ts, --typescript      Sets output as TypeScript code.


[INPUT]     This option for read the input from PATH of FILE or DIRECTORIES.
            [e.g.: create-chakra-icons ./MyICON.svg ~/assets] 


Pipelines command:

  • input in pipe
echo "
<svg viewBox=\"0 0 200 200\">
      d=\"M 100, 100 m -75, 0 a 75,75 0 1,0 150,0 a 75,75 0 1,0 -150,0\"
" | create-chakra-icons -n "KodingNinjaIcon"
  • output in stdout
import { createIcon } from "@chakra-ui/react";
export const KodingNinjaIcon = createIcon({
  displayName: "KodingNinjaIcon",
  viewBox: "0 0 200 200",
  d: "M 100, 100 m -75, 0 a 75,75 0 1,0 150,0 a 75,75 0 1,0 -150,0"

Multiple Input

  • input per-file
create-chakra-icons  -o Icons.js ./Facebook.svg ./Apple.svg ./Amazon.svg ./Netflix.svg ./Google.svg 
  • input directories
create-chakra-icons  -o Icons.js ./social-icons
  • input directories and per-file at the same time
create-chakra-icons  -o Icons.js ./MyCompany.svg ./social-icons
  • output will be make in Icons.js (argument -o or --output).


  • [x] TypeScript Support (Type Annotation or Type Definition).
    • Only when code generated is <Icon /> component See.
  • [ ] ReScript Support.
  • [ ] Per file input is Per file output. ⁉️ ?
  • [ ] Feel free for give me any feedback or feature request (create an issue first).

