
Animo Self-Sovereign Identity Demo

✨ Hi there!

Welcome to the repository of Animo’s Self-Sovereign identity demo. This interactive app demonstrates the use of verifiable credentials. This demo is build using Aries Framework Javascript (AFJ). AFJ is a framework written in TypeScript for building SSI Agents and DIDComm services. This demo uses the REST API, which is part of the Aries Framework JavaScript Extensions repository.

?️ Usage


  • NodeJS v16.X.X – Other versions may work, not tested
  • Yarn
  • Git – You probably already have this

? Client

Copy the .env.example file to a .env file and set the environment variables.

cd client
cp .env.example .env
Variable Description
REACT_APP_HOST_BACKEND Used in the frontend application to connect with the backend. Should be http://localhost:5000 for development.
REACT_APP_INSIGHTS_PROJECT_ID Used in the frontend application for analytics using Should not be set for local development.

?️ Server

Copy the .env.example file to a .env file and set the environment variables.

cd server
cp .env.example .env
Variable Description
AGENT_PUBLIC_DID_SEED Used in the backend application for the agent. Should be set to your agent’s public DID in development/production.
AGENT_ENDPOINT Used in the backend application for the agent. Should be set to your agent’s endpoint in development/production.
AGENT_WALLET_KEY Used in the backend application for the agent. Should be set to your agent’s wallet key in development/production.

Node version

nvm use

Install Dependencies

yarn install


yarn dev

How To Contribute

You’re welcome to contribute to this demo. Please make sure to open an issue first!