
This package provides a React component which tells you the ancestry of this component, up until the root component.

It uses React internals, and can therefore potentially fail for certain versions of React, but is tested on React 16 (dev/prod build) and React 17 (dev/prod build).


Place the Ancestry component where you want to know the ancestry and use the prop onAncestry to get a callback of the ancestry as an array of AncestryElement on the form:

interface AncestryElement
    name: string;
    type: 'component' | 'element';


import { useCallback } from 'react'
import { Ancestry, AncestryElement } from 'react-ancestry'

function MyComponent( )
    const onAncestry = useCallback(
        ( ancestry: Array< AncestryElement > ) =>
            console.log( "Ancestry:", ancestry );
        [ ]

    return <>
        <Ancestry onAncestry={ onAncestry } />

When used as:

                <MyComponent />

will console.log:

    { name: 'Foo', type: 'component' },
    { name: 'Bar', type: 'component' },
    { name: 'div', type: 'element' },
    { name: 'Baz', type: 'component' },
    { name: 'MyComponent', type: 'component' },


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