Talalajla's Everyday App – Home page & Weather

Home page and Weather Website Built with React.


Choose your own search engine!

This app allows you to choose one of 9 different search engines and allows you to switch between them very easly!

Be always up to date!

Check the weather forecast in your area and for the next 5 days in any location on Earth.

Customize your home page!

There are plenty of photos available that can be used as a background, you can even add a photo from the web as your background! Additionally, you can add your favorite links to the tabs and simply enjoy the view!

How to Use

To use the app you need to download files and run via npm or check this link.
Use button in top left corner in order to change your current city, check 5-days forecast or customize the page.

Technologies Used

The app was built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with ReactJS, Styled-Components, and API provided by OpenWeatherMap.
