Personal Finances Tracker using React!

After a few months, I went back to React studies with this project. The project is a personal finance system made with ReactJs and TypeScript. In this project, i studied about:

  • components;
  • controled-components;
  • states;
  • useEffects;
  • styled-components.
  • typescript;

Until now, i need to do finish the input-area (add style to component and verify the inputs). image

rocket What's next step?

after finishing the frontend, my next challenge will be to create a nodeJs backend with jwt authentication and MySQL Database.

thinking Como contribuir

  • Faça um fork desse repositório;
  • Cria uma branch com a sua feature: git checkout -b minha-feature;
  • Faça commit das suas alterações: git commit -m 'feat: Minha nova feature';
  • Faça push para a sua branch: git push origin minha-feature.

Depois que o merge da sua pull request for feito, você pode deletar a sua branch.


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