
Goal of this component is provide standard and simple-to-use component to display and operate over data presented in tables. Such data are usually provided by server side using some find... methods with page and size arguments, as well as filtering, sorting and other options.

Main features:

  • [x] Display and navigate over pages of data
  • [x] Change size of page
  • [x] Allow actions to be executed with elements (with or without autorefresh after action completed).
  • [x] Allow selecting multiple elements and execute single action over them
  • [x] Server-side sorting (i.e. passing sort argument to server)
  • [x] Server-side filtering (allow to display filters and pass filter arguments to server)
  • [x] Integration with react-router to support fetching arguments from URL and pushing changes back
  • [x] Allow user to change visibility and order of columns to be displayed
  • [ ] (TODO) Support standard renderers for date, time and other OpenAPI types
  • [ ] (TODO) Allow to customize what to display before and after the Table: page selection, page size selection, custom text, etc.

Additional small features that nice to have:

  • [x] Abort fetch() request if next fetch() is called with new arguments
  • [x] Ignore results from old fetch() if new one is already called
  • [x] "Select all" checkbox
  • [ ] (TODO) examples of custom field types with custom renderers (color)



npm install --save @vlsergey/react-bootstrap-pagetable

Main component is exposed as default module export of library.
There are 2 main properties to define. First is itemModel -- defines the data
structure, how to display data. Second is fetch -- provides implementation
of method to query data from server (or memory).

import PageTable from '@vlsergey/react-bootstrap-pagetable';

// ...
return <PageTable
         itemModel={itemModel} />

To enable react-router integration import another variant of PageTable:

import {UncontrolledWithReactRouter as PageTable} from '@vlsergey/react-bootstrap-pagetable';
Property Data type Default value Description
fetch ( fetchArgs: FetchArgs ) => Promise<Page<T>> required See below
itemModel ItemModel<T> required See below
actions Action[] 0 Allows to display buttons at the bottom of page table and use them to execute actions over single or multiple elements from single page of the table.
defaultPage number 0 Default page to display (0-based)
defaultSize number 10 Default page size to display
defaultSort string Default page sort. One can specify only field name like name or field name and direction like name,ASC / name,DESC.
footerRenderer ( props: HeaderFooterPropsType ) DefaultHeaderFooter Component (function) used to render table footer with pagination and page size selector
headerRenderer ( props: HeaderFooterPropsType ) DefaultHeaderFooter Component (function) used to render table header with pagination and page size selector
itemFieldCellRenderer ( props: ItemFieldCellRendererProps ) => JSX.Element DefaultItemFieldCellRenderer Allows to override default item cell renderer (including selection checkbox cell).
noContentRow ( tableColumnsCount: number ) => ReactNode "no content on this page, select another page to display" What to display instead of row when no data present on the fetched page
rowsRenderer ( props: RowsRendererProps ) => JSX.Element DefaultRowsRenderer Allows to override default rows renderer.
rowProps ( item: T ) => React.ComponentProps<'tr'> () => ({}) Additional properties for inner <tr> element
size undefined | 'lg' | 'sm' undefined Will be passed to react bootstrap Table component as well as to Button, Form.Control and other inner components to change their visible size.
tableProps props of react bootstrap <Table> component {} Additional properties for inner <Table> component
urlParamsPrefix string "" What is the prefix of page, size, sort and other URL arguments that PageTable should interact with. Only with react-router integration enabled.

Item model

So far itemModel (itemModel: ItemModel) defines 2 properties:

  • idF (idF: (item: T) => string). Defines a way to get unique
    identifier of object in the data list. It's usually object ID. Identifier
    should be unique in single data page scope and shall be unique in whole
    table scope. Internally it's used to store selected rows identifiers and to
    provide key to React element array items.
  • fields (fields: FieldModel<ItemModel, FieldValueType>[]).
    List of object properties that can be displayed in the table. Until version 1.0 every listed column is visible and order can't be change. This is subject to change. In future versions user will be able to hide some columns and/or to reorder them. Each field model should have following properties:
    • key (key: string). Defines internal string key for field. Internally
      it's used to provide key to React element array items. In future versions
      it will also be used to store 'shown/hidden' lists of column. Assumed to be
      safe to change from version to version (nothing really bad happens on change).
    • title (title: string). Field title text. Shown in table column header
      cell. Title is string due to DOM limitations related to <option> tag
      behavior (for example it's used in visible fields list dialog).
    • description (description?: ReactNode): Description of field. Optional.
      Currently unused.
    • sortable (boolean): is field sortable or not. Optional. Default false. Enabling this will render additional sorting icons in table header cell and will allow user to change sorting by clicking on header cell. Component does not define a way to sort elements, only fills sort field in FetchArgs structure passed to fetch() function.
    • getter (getter?: ( item: I, fieldModel: FieldModel<I, V>, itemModel: ItemModel<I> ) => V).
      Optional. Defines the way to obtain field value from object structure. By
      default obtains object property using key, i.e. item[fieldModel.key].
    • render (render: ( props: { value: V, item: I, itemModel: ItemModel<I> } ) => ReactNode). Optional.
      Defines the way to render object field as table cell content. By default
      just outputs string and number values as ReactNode, objects are stringified
      using JSON.stringify(), null and undefined are returned as null.
      Feel free to use function, React functional component or React class component
      here. Props type is exported from library as ValueRendererProps interface.
    • headerCellContent (props: ( field: FieldModel<ItemModel, FieldValueType> ) => JSX.Element).
      Optional. Allow to change default header cell react element (<th>) content.
      By default cell title is renderer with additional icons if field is sortable.
    • valueCellProps (valueCellProps?: ( value: V, item: unknown, fieldModel: FieldModel<V> ) => Record<string, unknown>).
      Optional. Provides additional value cell react element (<td>) properties.


Data example:

  { "id": "1", "name": "Alice", "birthday": "2001-02-03" },
  { "id": "2", "name": "Bob", "birthday": "2002-03-04" },
  { "id": "3", "name": "Carl", "birthday": "2003-04-05" }

Possible item model:

const itemModel = {
  idF: ( { id } ) => id,
  fields: [
    { key: 'name', title: 'Name', sortable: true },
      key: 'birthday',
      title: 'Birth Date',
      render: ( { value } ) => new Date( Date.parse( value ) ).toLocaleDateString(),
      sortable: true,
      key: 'birthyear',
      title: 'Birth Year',
      getter: ( { birthday } ) => new Date( Date.parse( birthday ) ).getFullYear(),
      sortable: true,



fetch: ( fetchArgs: FetchArgs, fetchOptions: FetchOptions ) => Promise<Page<T>>

interface FetchArgs {
  /** 0-based page to fetch */
  page: number,
  /** Max number of items per page to fetch */
  size: number,
  /** Filter values filled by filter cells (by invoking onFilterByChange callback) */
  filter?: Record<string, unknown>;
  /** Sort by field.
  If multiple fields are specified sort done in order is from last to first.
  (i.e. reversed before put in (for example) ORDER BY clause of SQL query) */
  sort?: { field: string, direction?: 'ASC' | 'DESC' }[]

// Additional options to pass to fetch() implementation.
// Can be just passed as fetch( ... , { ...fetchOptions, /* other options */ } )
interface FetchOptions {
  // value of new AbortController().signal to pass to fetch
  signal?: AbortSignal,

* Structure of type is same as Spring Data Page type, thus server result
* can be pass to PageTable without transformation.
interface Page<T> {
  content: T[];
  number: number;
  totalElements: number;
  totalPages: number;

Provides a way to get items to display. User shall not think about bouncing/scheduling/etc,
just provide data fetch implementation. page field is 0-based.

Utility functions


Emulates fetching data from provided array. Supports pagination and sorting (with strings and numbers).

import { fetchFromArray } from '@vlsergey/react-bootstrap-pagetable';

async function fetchFromArray<T>(
    itemModel: ItemModel<T>,
    src: T[],
    fetchArgs: FetchArgs ): Promise<Page<T>>


import { fetchFromSpringDataRest } from '@vlsergey/react-bootstrap-pagetable';

async function fetchFromSpringDataRest<T>(
  url: string,
  fetchArgs: FetchArgs,
  responseCollectionKey: string ): Promise<Page<T>>

Fetches data from Spring Data REST API. Provided URL can be absolute or relative.
Fields keys to sort or to filter assumed to be passed to server without modifications.
Convert "virtual" fields to server ones before providing fetchArgs to function.

responseCollectionKey is the name of result collection element inside of _embedded structure in response.


import { springDataRestResponseToPage } from '@vlsergey/react-bootstrap-pagetable';

type SpringDataApiResponseType<T> = {
  _embedded: Record<string, T[]>,
  page: {
    size: number,
    totalElements: number,
    totalPages: number,
    number: number,

function springDataRestResponseToPage<T>(
    key: string, response: SpringDataApiResponseType<T>
): Page<T>

Converts Spring Data REST API response to Page structure expected by PageTable.
key is the name of content collection in _embedded structure.