

react-sticky-scrollspy-nav is a React component that provides smooth scrolling navigation with sections to a web page.

How to install

Install via NPM package manager

npm i react-sticky-scrollspy-nav

Install via Yarn package manager

yarn add react-sticky-scrollspy-nav

How to use it

Add <section> tags to StickyScrollSpyNav component. You need to add ref={createRef()} to each section item.

import ScrollSpy from "react-scrollspy-navigation";

  <section ref={React.createRef()}>...</section>
  <section ref={React.createRef()}>...</section>
  <section ref={React.createRef()}>...</section>

Add nav props to render nav component.

<StickyScrollSpyNav nav={["Nav1", "Nav2", "Nav3"]}>...</StickyScrollSpyNav>

Example Code.

      <h1>Header content</h1>
      <h1>Header content</h1>
      <h1>Header content</h1>
  nav={["Nav1", "Nav2", "Nav3"]}
  navActiveItemStyle={{ color: "red" }}
  <section ref={React.createRef()} style={{ height: "70vh", background: "orange" }}>
    Nav 1 Content
  <section ref={React.createRef()} style={{ height: "70vh", background: "blue" }}>
    Nav 2 Content
  <section ref={React.createRef()} style={{ height: "70vh", background: "green" }}>
    Nav 3 Content


Common props you may want to specify include:

Properties PropType Description
nav string[] (Required) navigation names with button tag
header React.ReactNode header component
style object Customize root style.
navContainerStyle object Customize navigation container style
navItemStyle object Customize navigation item style
navActiveItemStyle object Customize navigation item style when activated


MIT License. Copyright (c) 2021 Junhyeok Heo (Huurray)


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