Movies A basic movie rating application built using React, Redux and Axios A basic movie rating application built using React, Redux and Axios 03 March 2022
Pokémon Search for Pokémon by name or using the National Pokédex number Search for Pokémon by name or using the National Pokédex number 26 January 2022
NFT Abstract NFT Collections made with ReactJS, Axios, MetaMask and OpenSea API Abstract NFT Collections made with ReactJS, Axios, MetaMask and OpenSea API 12 January 2022
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Fetch Beautiful way to fetch data in React FetchX is a fetching library made for React built with axios and mobx that give you an easy way to handle CRUD of entities. 27 November 2021
Hooks React Typescript with API call example using Hooks and Axios React Typescript with API call example using Hooks and Axios 21 November 2021
Redux Redux-Toolkit CRUD example with React Hooks, Axios & Web API Redux-Toolkit CRUD example with React Hooks, Axios & Web API 10 October 2021