Counter A simple React app that stores the click count in local storage A simple React app that stores the click count in local storage 13 August 2023
Tool TextUtils - A free character counter tool made using React.js and BootStrap TextUtils - A free character counter tool made using React.js and BootStrap 09 January 2023
Counter Time Counter project Using React and Framer Motion Time Counter project Using React and Framer Motion 17 February 2022
Counter Mobx + React - Simple counter principle (class + decorator + stateless function) Mobx + React - Simple counter principle (class + decorator + stateless function) 14 February 2022
Counter Access the internal state of React components from Cypress E2E tests Access the internal state of React components from Cypress E2E tests 03 February 2022
Characters ReactJS app to count character frequencies in a given string ReactJS app to count character frequencies in a given string 21 November 2021
Counter Simple counter app for understand react basics Simple counter app for understand react basics 08 November 2021
Hit Counter A mechanical counter as seen on Robinhood. Recreated with framer-motion for react A mechanical counter as seen on Robinhood. Recreated with framer-motion for react 23 October 2021