
React.js Examples

React Counter

React Counter Code is written in ES6 and App has 5 components. codepen demo See the Pen React Counter by Danko (@_danko) on CodePen.
28 August 2016

React Contact List

React Contact List (Once upon a Time themed) Contacts app made with React Modeled after this: codepen demo See the Pen React Contact List by Amanda
28 August 2016

React Motion Flexbox Slider

React Motion Slider BY Tedd Arcuri React Motion Flexbox Slider codepen demo See the Pen React Motion Slider by Tedd Arcuri (@teddarcuri) on CodePen.
28 August 2016

simple chat window thing built in React

Hey React BY Joshua P. Larson This is a simple chat window thing I built in React. My first React project. codepen demo See the Pen Hey React by Joshua P. Larson (@jplhomer)
28 August 2016

Random Text React Component

Random Text React Component This is a a react component that excepts a text, and manually calculates how to flow the text in the given width. You can see the actual component in
28 August 2016

Markdown Previewer Built with React

React Markdown Previewer Markdown Previewer A FreeCodeCamp project Built with React By Leonardo Prates codepen demo See the Pen React Markdown Previewer by Leonardo Prates (@odran037) on CodePen.
28 August 2016

React-Motion: click to front

React-Motion: click to front BY John Oksasoglu A proof-of-concept of a React-based interface idea I had. Click on any square to make it spring to the top left-most position in the grid and
28 August 2016

Sign Up with React.JS

Sign Up with React.JS BY Jack Oliver Day 1 of the ReactJS DailyUI project. I'm going to be making 100 different React pens over the next 100 days, in order to get
28 August 2016

React Motion Flex

React Motion Flex Just wanted to show the power of React Motion :) codepen demo See the Pen React Motion Flex by Travis Arnold (@souporserious) on CodePen.
28 August 2016

circular slider made with React and SVG

React Circular Slider A simple circular slider made with React and SVG. Use it in your projects! codepen demo See the Pen React Circular Slider by Anthony Dugois (@anthonydugois) on CodePen.
28 August 2016

React + Redux Todo app

React + Redux Todo BY Josh React and ES6 courses and Dan Abramov Redux course over on, so I figuired what the world needed was another todo app... codepen demo See
28 August 2016

React Multi-Step Form

React Multi-Step Form If you are new to Gulp, Browserify, or build tools in general be sure to check out the blog post for more context and the Wiki for some additional background
27 August 2016

Load External Data in React

Load External Data in React BY Chris Coyier Fetch data in componentDidMount. When the response arrives, store the data in state, triggering a render to update your UI.
27 August 2016

Drag & Drop Grid Layout in React

Drag & Drop Grid Layout in React This is a proof of concept based on Cheng Lou's totally amazing React Motion library: Really just a proof of concept
27 August 2016

React.js Article Cards

React.js Article Cards BY Andy Tran codepen demo See the Pen React 0.2.0 - Article Cards by Andy Tran (@andytran) on CodePen.
27 August 2016

React Tabs (w/ composition)

React Tabs (w/ composition) BY Anthony Dugois This is the way I prefer to set tabs using React. The most tabs systems I found on the web do not let you to compose
27 August 2016

iOS Calculator app in React.js

React Calculator iOS Calculator app in React. Display text scales to fit. Uses a 'point event' to avoid 300ms click penalty on mobile. codepen demo See the Pen React Calculator by Michael Jackson
21 August 2016

Sudoku game Written Using React.js

Sudoku game A sudoku app wrote in React and Redux recently live demo GitHub
21 August 2016

reactbsTable : a react table for bootstrap

react-bootstrap-table It's a react.js table for bootstrap, named reactbsTable. It's a configurable, functional table component and make you build a Bootstrap Table more efficiency and easy in your React application, However react-bootstrap-table
21 August 2016

Simple Grid Component written in React

Griddle Griddle is a simple grid Component for use with React. It depends on Lodash Modules and React. live demo GitHub
21 August 2016

Fast, flexible, and simple data tables in React

Reactable Fast, flexible, and simple data tables in React. Reactable allows you to display tabular data client-side, and provides sorting, filtering, and pagination over that data. It uses the power of React.js
21 August 2016

React.js toastr component

react-toastr React.js toastr component Demo Example Please refer to examples/gh-pages folder for example. GitHub
17 August 2016

React.js Google Maps integration component

React.js Google Maps integration component react-google-maps React.js Google Maps integration component Call for maintainers As the author (tomchentw) currently doesn't actively use this module, he's looking
17 August 2016

A timer app that facilitates crossfit workouts

A timer app that facilitates crossfit workouts. Supports Timed, Tabata, and EMOM style sessions. Crossfit Clock LIVE DEMO Built with... React React-Router Webpack Less ESLint (StandardJS)
15 August 2016

Phone Book App - ReactJS

BY Avelino P. Tiu III codepen See the Pen Phone Book App - ReactJS by Avelino P. Tiu III (@thirdtiu) on CodePen.
15 August 2016

React TodoMVC Example

React is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. Its core principles are declarative code, efficiency, and flexibility. Simply specify what your component looks like and React will keep it up-to-date when the
15 August 2016

React Router Mega Demo

Eventually this will be a mega demo, but right now its just a playground for server-side rendering with react-router. After cloning the repo, do this so check it out: $ npm install $ ./script/dev
15 August 2016

React virtualized

React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data LIVE DEMO GitHub
15 August 2016

React Scrollable List

React Scrollable List is a scrollable, high-performance list component for rendering large lists of items with React. It's performance really shines when dealing with lists in excess of a thousand items, and scales
15 August 2016

Simple autocomplete ReactJS

A simple autocomplete test component made with Reactjs. (Made with <3 by Luca Colonnello) codepen See the Pen Autucomplete React JS by Luca Colonnello (@LucaColonnello) on CodePen.
15 August 2016