?️ Type-safe Github API Wrapper
Getting Started
# Yarn
yarn install gqw
npm install gqw
const client = new GQW(process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN!);
(async () => {
// Get a user
console.log(await client.queryUser("heybereket"));
// Get a user by email
console.log(await client.queryEmail(""));
// Get a repo name
console.log(await client.queryRepo("facebook/react"));
// Directly fetch Github endpoint
console.log(await client.get("users/heybereket"));
The Github REST API doesn’t provide deeper query fetching (for ex. finding github users by email), so I thought this may be helpful. It’s based off of Octokit and is user friendly – I’m working on adding more queries as well.
Feel free to open a PR and add your own too ?
What does GQW stand for?
Github Query Wrapper