
Yet another Kanban/Trello board lib for React.


❓ Why?

  • ? Reliable: 100% tested on CI; 100% coverage; 100% SemVer.
  • ? Having fun: Play with Hooks ? and Styled Components ??.
  • ♿️ Accessible: Keyboard and mobile friendly.
  • ? Project-friendly: For use in projects.

? Install and usage

Since this project use Hooks and Styled Components, you have to install them:

  • react>=16.8.0
  • styled-components>=4

After, Install the lib on your project:

yarn add @lourenci/react-kanban

Import the lib and use it on your project:

import Board from '@lourenci/react-kanban'

const board = {
  lanes: [
      id: 1,
      title: 'Backlog',
      cards: [
          id: 1,
          title: 'Add card',
          description: 'Add capability to add a card in a lane'
      id: 2,
      title: 'Doing',
      cards: [
          id: 2,
          title: 'Drag-n-drop support',
          description: 'Move a card between the lanes'



⚙️ Props

Prop Description
children (required) The board to render
onCardDragEnd Callback that will be called when the card move ends
onLaneDragEnd Callback that will be called when the lane move ends
renderCard A card to be rendered instead of the default card
renderLaneHeader A lane header to be rendered instead of the default lane header
allowAddLane Allow a new lane be added by the user
onNewLane (required if use the default lane adder template) Callback that will be called when a new lane is added through the default lane adder template
renderLaneAdder A lane adder to be rendered instead of the default lane adder template
disableLaneDrag Disable the lane move
disableCardDrag Disable the card move
allowRemoveLane Allow to remove a lane in default lane header
onLaneRemove (required if allowRemoveLane) Callback that will be called when a lane is removed
allowRenameLane Allow to rename a lane in default lane header
onLaneRename (required if allowRenameLane) Callback that will be called when a lane is renamed
allowRemoveCard Allow to remove a card in default card template
onCardRemove (required if allowRemoveCard) Callback that will be called when a card is removed


const board = {
  lanes: [{
    id: ${unique-required-laneId},
    title: {$required-laneTitle},
    cards: [{
      id: ${unique-required-cardId},
      title: ${required-cardTitle},
      description: ${required-cardDescription}

These cards props are required to the card's default template, except the id that is required for your template too. See renderCard.

These lanes props are required to the lane's default template, except the id that is required for your template too. See renderLaneHeader.


When the user moves a card, this callback will be called passing these parameters:

Arg Description
board The modified board
source An object with the card source { laneId, index }
destination An object with the card destination { laneId, index }
Source and destination
Prop Description
laneId In source: lane source id; In destination: lane destination id;
index In source: card's index in lane source's array; In destination: card's index in lane destination's array;


When the user moves a lane, this callback will be called passing these parameters:

Arg Description
board The modified board
source An object with the lane source { index }
destination An object with the lane destination { index }
Source and destination
Prop Description
index In source: lane index before the moving; In destination: lane index after the moving;


Use this if you want to render your own card. You have to pass a function and return your card component.
The function will receive these parameters:

Arg Description
card The card props
cardBag A bag with some helper functions and state to work with the card
function Description
removeCard Call this function to remove the card from the lane
dragging Whether the card is being dragged or not


const board = {
  lanes: [{
    id: ${unique-required-laneId},
    title: ${laneTitle},
    cards: [{
      id: ${unique-required-cardId},
      dueDate: ${cardDueDate},
      content: ${cardContent}

  renderCard={({ content }, { removeCard, dragging }) => (
    <YourCard dragging={dragging}>
      <button type="button" onClick={removeCard}>Remove Card</button>


Use this if you want to render your own lane header. You have to pass a function and return your lane header component.
The function will receive these parameters:

Arg Description
lane The lane props
laneBag A bag with some helper functions to work with the lane
function Description
removeLane Call this function to remove the lane from the board
renameLane Call this function with a title to rename the lane


const board = {
  lanes: [{
    id: ${unique-required-laneId},
    title: ${laneTitle},
    wip: ${wip},
    cards: [{
      id: ${unique-required-cardId},
      title: ${required-cardTitle},
      description: ${required-cardDescription}

  renderLaneHeader={({ title }, { removeLane, renameLane }) => (
      <button type='button' onClick={removeLane}>Remove Lane</button>
      <button type='button' onClick={() => renameLane('New title')}>Rename Lane</button>


Allow the user to add a new lane directly by the board.


When the user adds a new lane through the default lane adder template, this callback will be called passing the lane title typed by the user.

You must return the new lane with its new id in this callback.


function onNewLane (newLane) {
  const newLane = { id: ${required-new-unique-laneId}, ...newLane }
  return newLane

<Board allowAddLane onNewLane={onNewLane}>{board}</Board>


Use this if you want to render your own lane adder. You have to pass a function and return your lane adder component.
The function will receive these parameters:

Arg Description
laneBag A bag with some helper functions
function Description
addLane Call this function with a new lane to add the new lane


const LaneAdder = ({ addLane }) {
  return (
    <div onClick={()=> addLane({id: ${required-new-unique-laneId}, title: 'Title', cards:[]})}>
      Add lane

  renderLaneAdder={({ addLane }) => <LaneAdder addLane={addLane} />}


Disallow the user from move a lane.


Disallow the user from move a card.


When using the default header template, when you don't pass a template through the renderLaneHeader, it will allow the user to remove a lane.


When the user removes a lane, this callback will be called passing these parameters:

Arg Description
board The board without the removed lane
lane The removed lane


When using the default header template, when you don't pass a template through the renderLaneHeader, it will allow the user to rename a lane.


When the user renames a lane, this callback will be called passing these parameters:

Arg Description
board The board with the renamed lane
lane The renamed lane


When using the default card template, when you don't pass a template through the renderCard, it will allow the user to remove a card.


When the user removes a card, this callback will be called passing these parameters:

Arg Description
board The board without the removed lane
lane The lane without the removed card
card The removed card



yarn test

Code coverage is saved in coverage folder. Open HTML report for example with

open coverage/lcov-report/index.html


Using Cypress test runner. Start dev server and open Cypress using

yarn dev

All tests are in the cypress/integration folder. These tests also collect code coverage and save in several formats in the coverage folder. Open HTML report

open coverage/lcov-report/index.html

Read Cypress code coverage guide

Note: to avoid inserting babel-plugin-istanbul twice during Jest tests, E2E tests run with NODE_ENV=cypress environment variable. The babel-plugin-istanbul plugin is included in .babelrc file only in the cypress Node environment, leaving the default Jest configuration during NODE_ENV=test the same.

?‍♀️ Roadmap

You can view the next features here.
Feel welcome to help us with some PRs.

? Contributing

PRs are welcome:

  • Fork this project.
  • Setup it:
    yarn start
  • Make your change.
  • Add yourself to the contributors table:
    yarn contributors:add
  • Open the PR.

✍️ Guidelines for contributing

  • You need to test your change.
  • Try to be clean on your change. CodeClimate will keep an eye on you.
  • It has to pass on CI.


Latest commit to the undefined branch on unknown
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