Template for Frontend project Wild Heroes

First steps

Install these extensions

Install husky, which will check your code everytime you commit files

  • npm run prepare

Second step

  • Create a “wild-heroes” folder in your IDE

  • In your terminal, create a clone of the “wild-heroes” Github repository in the “wild heroes” folder that you just created :
    git clone [email protected]:Jarod79/wild-heroes.git

Third step

  • You need to do an “npm install” in your terminal in order to install the different packages that we need to run the app

Fourth step

  • Run the app with “npm start”

  • If you have issues running the app because of an error message about the progress bar, such as :

    Line 2:8: Unable to resolve path to module ‘react-step-progress-bar/styles.css’ import/no-unresolved

—-> You need to do an “npm install –save react-step-progress-bar” in order to re install the package that handle the progress bar feature.


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