
There wasn’t a package for showing up credit cards and other payment icons in React Native. Wasn’t!

We use SVGs that are transormed into React Native JSX, so there isn’t a loading time to show them up.

The SVGs are compressed / optimized by ~60%. It uses the Flat Rounded images of aaronfagan/svg-credit-card-payment-icons, and I intend to support other icon packs in the future, in a tree-shakable way.

If you need to discover the card type (visa, mastercard etc), you can use the credit-card-type package.


  1. Install react-native-svg

  2. Install this package:

npm install react-native-payment-icons
# or
yarn add react-native-payment-icons


  • You must set the type property to the desired payment method / credit card. Available types:

amex             // Alias to american-express
code             // Card's CVV representation
diners           // Alias to diners-club
master           // Alias to mastercard

Their images are available at aaronfagan/svg-credit-card-payment-icons

  • You shall define either width or height. No need to define both, as it has aspectRatio: 780 / 500, the width / height of the SVGs. If neither is defined, width defaults to 35.

  • It also accepts all the props of the Svg component.


import {PaymentIcon} from 'react-native-payment-icons'

<PaymentIcon type='visa'>
<PaymentIcon type='master' width={50}>
<PaymentIcon type='paypal' height='30%'>



How to create your own images! If you just want to use the package, you can ignore this!

  • To transform the SVGs, download the .svgs from svg-credit-card-payment-icons. I used the flat-rounded styled images. Store them in a directory like svgsSrc.

  • If you want to add your own images, be sure that their width are 780 and height 500, to have the same ratio as the others.

You may run npm run svg that executes the two steps below!

  • Run svgo to compress the SVGs. The best here is -p 0 which sets the precision to 0, decreasing the total size from 96KB to 38KB. The quality loss isn’t noticeable unless comparing, except in mastercard and diners that have some artifacts, so we set precision 1 for them. There are other svgo plugins set in svgo.config.js file, that are automatically applied when running svgo at the same cwd.

npx svgo -f ./svgsSrc -o ./svgsCompressed -p 0

npx svgo -p 1 ./svgsSrc/mastercard.svg ./svgsSrc/diners.svg -o ./svgsCompressed/mastercard.svg ./svgsCompressed/diners.svg

  • Then, transform them into React Native format using svgr. --native for generating code for React Native, --typescript for .tsx. We store them under src/components:

npx @svgr/cli ./svgsCompressed --out-dir src/components --native --typescript

There may happen some errors in the RN convertion you may need to deal manually. If happens, npm run build will throw them up.

  • An index.tsx will be automatically created re-exporting all the components.

  • If adding or removing images, you will need to change src/index.tsx to add / remove the components in the dictionary.

  • If you want to compile the TS files into JS, npm run build.


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