React accordion
a nice React accordion example.
Made with
$brown = #f0ebe1
$black = #372717
$gray = #756658
*, *:after, *:before
box-sizing inherit
display flex
justify-content center
padding 50px 0
background-color #FCFCFC
min-height 100vh
font-size 16px
line-height 1.4
font-family 'Montserrat', sans-serif
color $black
box-sizing border-box
overflow-y scroll
width 100%
max-width 470px
background-color $brown
position relative
display block
width 100%
background none
border none
text-align left
padding 25px 60px 25px 25px
font-weight 500
font-size 17px
font-family inherit
transition color .2s linear
cursor pointer
outline none
content ''
position absolute
right 25px
top 50%
width 22px
height 2px
margin-top -@height
background-color $black
transform rotate(-90deg)
transition transform .35s cubic-bezier(.65, .05, .36, 1)
& ^[0]__content
opacity 1
& ^[0]__label
color #957029
transform rotate(0deg)
overflow hidden
will-change height
transition height .4s cubic-bezier(.65, .05, .36, 1)
margin 5px 25px 25px
font-size 14px
color $gray
opacity 0
transition opacity .3s linear .18s
margin-bottom 3px
class Panel extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
height: 0
componentDidMount() {
window.setTimeout(() => {
const el = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this);
const height = el.querySelector('.panel__inner').scrollHeight;
}, 333);
render () {
const { label, content, activeTab, index, activateTab } = this.props;
const { height } = this.state;
const isActive = activeTab === index;
const innerStyle = {
height: isActive ? `${height}px` : '0px'
return (
<div className='panel'
<button className='panel__label'
<div className='panel__inner'
<p className='panel__content'>
class Accordion extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
activeTab: 0
this.activateTab = this.activateTab.bind(this);
activateTab(index) {
this.setState(prev => ({
activeTab: prev.activeTab === index ? -1 : index
render() {
const { panels } = this.props;
const { activeTab } = this.state;
return (
<div className='accordion' role='tablist'>
{, index) =>
activateTab={this.activateTab.bind(null, index)}
const panels = [
label: 'Seriously, Don\'t Use Icon Fonts',
content: 'Icons are everywhere. These "little miracle workers" (as John Hicks described them) help us reinforce meaning in the interfaces we design and build. Their popularity in web design has never been greater; the conciseness and versatility of pictograms in particular make them a lovely fit for displays large and small. But icons on the web have had their fair share of challenges.',
label: 'Screen Readers Actually Read That Stuff',
content: 'Most assistive devices will read aloud text inserted via CSS, and many of the Unicode characters icon fonts depend on are no exception. Best-case scenario, your "favorite" icon gets read aloud as "black favorite star." Worse-case scenario, it\'s read as "unpronounceable" or skipped entirely.',
label: 'They Fail Poorly and Often',
content: 'When your icon font fails, the browser treats it like any other font and replaces it with a fallback. Best-case scenario, you\'ve chosen your fallback characters carefully and something weird-looking but communicative still loads. Worse-case scenario (and far more often), the user sees something completely incongruous, usually the dreaded "missing character" glyph.',
label: 'They\'re a Nightmare if You\'re Dyslexic',
content: 'Many dyslexic people find it helpful to swap out a website\'s typeface for something like OpenDyslexic. But icon fonts get replaced as well, which makes for a frustratingly broken experience.',
label: 'There\'s Already a Better Way',
content: 'SVG is awesome for icons! It\'s a vector image format with optional support for CSS, JavaScript, reusability, accessibility and a bunch more. It was made for this sort of thing.'
const App = document.querySelector('#app');
ReactDOM.render(<Accordion panels={panels}/>, App);
See the Pen React accordion by DNLHC (@DNLHC) on CodePen.