
Lightweight select component for React.



  • Lightweight, with zero dependencies*
  • Accessible
  • Headless mode
  • Basic HTML select functionality, including multiple
  • Search/filter options
  • Async options
  • Apply renderers to change markup and behavior
  • Keyboard support
  • Group options with group names, you can search group names
  • Fully stylable

*One optional dependency required for built-in fuzzy search




Install it with npm (npm install react-select-search --save) and import it like you normally would.

Quick example

import SelectSearch from 'react-select-search';

 * The options array should contain objects.
 * Required keys are "name" and "value" but you can have and use any number of key/value pairs.
const options = [
    {name: 'Swedish', value: 'sv'},
    {name: 'English', value: 'en'},
        type: 'group',
        name: 'Group name',
        items: [
            {name: 'Spanish', value: 'es'},

/* Simple example */
<SelectSearch options={options} value="sv" name="language" placeholder="Choose your language" />
React JSX

For examples you can take a look in the stories directory.

You will also need some CSS to make it look right. Example theme can be found in style.css.

Use with SSR

For use with SSR you might need to use the commonjs bundle (react-select-search/dist/cjs). If you want to utilise the example theme (style.css) you need to check if you're build script manipulates class names, for example minifies them. If that's the case, you can use CSS modules to get the class names from the style.css file and apply them using the className function. Example can be seen here as well as here

Headless mode with hooks

If you want complete control (more than styling and custom renderers) you can use hooks to pass data to your own components and build it yourself.

import React from 'react';
import { useSelect } from 'react-select-search';

const CustomSelect = ({ options, value, multiple, disabled }) => {
    const [snapshot, valueProps, optionProps] = useSelect({

    return (
            <button {...valueProps}>{snapshot.displayValue}</button>
            {snapshot.focus && (
                    { => (
                        <li key={option.value}>
                            <button {...optionProps} value={option.value}>{}</button>
React JSX


Below is all the available options you can pass to the component. Options without defaults are required.

Name Type Default Description
options array Se the options documentation below
value string, array undefined The value should be an array if multiple mode.
multiple boolean false Set to true if you want to allow multiple selected options.
search boolean false Set to true to enable search functionality
disabled boolean false Disables all functionality
placeholder string empty string Displayed if no option is selected and/or when search field is focused with empty value.
autoComplete string, on/off off Disables/Enables autoComplete functionality in search field.
autoFocus boolean false Autofocus on select
fuse object, boolean true Use fuse.js to apply fuzzy search on search. Set to true to use default options or pass a fuse.js config option. If search is enabled and no filterOptions callback is passed, this will be set to true automatically.
className string, function select-search-box Set a base class string or pass a function for complete control. Se custom classNames for more.
onChange function null Function to receive and handle value changes.
printOptions string auto Can be: auto, always, never, on-focus. This property controls when the options list should be rendered.
closeOnSelect boolean true The selectbox will blur by default when selecting an option. Set this to false to prevent this behavior.
renderOption function null Function that renders the options. See custom renderers for more.
renderValue function null Function that renders the value/search field. See custom renderers for more.
renderGroupHeader function null Function that renders the group header. See custom renderers for more.
getOptions function null Get options through a function call, can return a promise for async usage. See get options for more.

The options object

The options object can contain any properties and values you like. The only required one is name.

Property Type Description Required
name string The name of the option Yes
value string The value of the option Yes, if the type is not "group"
type string If you set the type to "group" you can add an array of options that will be grouped No
items array Array of option objects that will be used if the type is set to "group" Yes, if type is set to "group"
disabled boolean Set to true to disable this option No

Custom class names

If you set a string as the className attribute value, the component will use that as a base and BEM-ify the class names for all elements.
If you want to fully control the class names you can pass a function that takes a key and returns a class name. The following keys exists:

  • container
  • value
  • input
  • select
  • options
  • option
  • group
  • group-header
  • is-selected
  • is-highlighted
  • is-loading
  • has-focus

Custom renderers

If CSS isn't enough, you can also control the HTML for the different parts of the component.

Callback Args Description
renderOption optionsProps: object, optionData: object, optionSnapshot: object Controls the rendering of the options.
renderGroupHeader name: string Controls the rendering of the group header name
renderValue valueProps: object, ref: React.ref, selectedValue: object Controls the rendering of the value/input element

The optionProps and the valueProps are needed for the component you render to work. For example:

<SelectSearch renderValue={(valueProps) => <input {...valueProps} />} />
React JSX

Monkeypatch it if you need to but make sure to not remove important props.

The optionSnapshot is an object that contains the object state: { selected: bool, highlighted: bool }.

Get options

You can fetch options asynchronously with the getOptions property. You can either return options directly or through a Promise.

function getOptions(query) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            .then(response => response.json())
            .then(({ drinks }) => {
                resolve({ idDrink, strDrink }) => ({ value: idDrink, name: strDrink })))
React JSX

The function runs on each search query update, so you might want to throttle the fetches.
If you return a promise, the class is-searching will be applied to the main element, giving you a chance
to change the appearance, like adding a spinner. The property searching is also available in the snapshot that is sent to your render callbacks.
