
Minimal Electron Starter Kit built with Typescript, React, Webpack 5 and Babel 7

To create a JS library, check out js-library-boilerplate-basic.

⭐️ Features

  • Electron 17
  • React 17
  • Webpack 5
  • Babel 7
  • Hot reloading (npm start)
  • Jest unit testing (+ Enzyme)

? Getting Started

git clone https://github.com/hodgef/electron-webpack-boilerplate.git my-app
npm install

⚠️ Note: This boilerplate uses nodeIntegration by default, which allows your renderer code to access node. Only use this boilerplate if you are running trusted code in your app. Alternatively, you can change this setting in src/main/index.ts and adjust accordingly.

? Customization

Before shipping, make sure to:

  1. Edit LICENSE file
  2. Edit package.json information (This will be used to package your app)
  3. (Optional) Set-up releases, code signing, notarization for your app. Additional docs on this coming soon.

? Development

  • Use npm start to develop your app with Hot Reloading on changes.
  • Use npm serve:dist to serve a semi-production app from the build folder.
  • Use npm run dist to build executables for your app, according to the information in your package.json.
  • Use npm run test to run unit tests for your app.


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